The parse subtree printed for the non terminal FUNCTION looks something
like this (refer to the online examples):
[ident (function-name)]
[ident (parameter-1)]
[ident (parameter-2)]
[ident (parameter-3)]
... for each of the function parameters (0 or more)
[block ....]
That is, the FUNCTION node has several children. The first is an
identifier (the function name). It can be followed by zero or more children
that are also identifiers (formal parameter names). The last child is the
subtree for a BLOCK (see below).
Note that various delimiter tokens (parentheses and commas) have been
eliminated from the parse tree. There is no explicit node in the parse tree
for non terminals PARAMLIST and PARAMREST.
There is no explicit parse tree node for the non-terminal STATEMENT.
Instead, the children of a BLOCK are the individual statements
themselves. E.g., for:
{let x = y; let z = a;}
the parse tree output is:
[ident (x)]
[expr [ident (y)]]
[ident (z)]
[expr [ident (a)]]
(Note the omission of all the delimiters from the parse tree.)
A function call can occur either alone as a statement or as the right hand
side of a LET statement. In either case, the subtree rooted at the
call-node is printed like this:
[ident (function-name)]
[expr .... argument expression 1]
[expr .... argument expression 2]
[expr .... argument expression 3]
... expressions for each of the arguments (0 or more)
The parse tree for a LET statement whose right hand side is a
function call is printed as follows:
[ident (variable on lefthand side of assignment)]
[ident (function-name)]
[expr .... argument expression 1]
[expr .... argument expression 2]
[expr .... argument expression 3]
... expressions for each of the arguments (0 or more)
- LET:
The right hand side of a LET statement can be an expression or a function
call. The parse tree for the latter has already been mentioned above. For the
former, the output is:
[ident (variable on lefthand side of assignment)]
[expr ....... expression being assigned (see below)]
That is, the two forms are distinguished by whether the second child of the let
node is an EXPR or a CALL node.
An expression node has one, two, or three children nodes. If it is a simple
number, identifier, or a parenthesized expression, it has one child. E.g., for
an identifier:
[expr [ident (identifer-name)]]
If the expression involves a unary operator, it has two chilren: the operator
and the operand expression. E.g., for the expression ~1
[expr ~
[expr [number (1)]]
If the expression involves a binary operator, it has three children: the operator,
and the two operand expressions. E.g., for the expression (* 2 3)
[expr *
[expr [number (2)]]
[expr [number (3)]]
Note that the trees for expressions that differ only in the number of
enclosing parentheses are identical. For example, the tree printed for both
(* 2 3)
and ((( (* 2 3) )))
is the same one shown
The tree output format for the remaining should be fairly obvious from the given