15-212 SL Student Library
Arvind Jairam and Brandon Chang
: This program inputs the user for an integer n and outputs
the nth Fibonacci number. The algorithm used is iterative and
very fast; it is _not_ the traditional recursive one.
Sandra Yoon and Jason McKesson
Nancy Chacko and Sreekar Gadde: Find
the Fibannoci numbers using an input file with the fib numbers you want to
find ending with a negative number. Have fun!
Jeffrey S. Chan and Christophey W. Mack
: A small "Rock Paper Scissors" game. Enter 1 for rock, 2 for scissors, 3
for paper or 9 to quit. 1 is a win, 0 a loss.
Kary Myers and Bill Slease: Mastermind - First user picks a key (4-digits 0-9). Second user has ten guesses to figure out the key. Computer indicates a '2' for a correct digit in a correct spot, a '1' for a correct digit in an incorrect spot. Guesses and keys smaller than 4 digits are assumed to be preceded by the appropriate number of zeroes.
Andy Modrovich and Sahala Swenson: Connect Four
John Cressman and Jon Daley:
Blackjack. You are player 1, Dealer is player 2.
You must enter a seed to start the random generator each time
the game is run.
Chris Adiletta and Josh Walstrom:
Simple program that tries to form a communication between program and user
by playing a simplistic game of guess the number.
Rajen Raheja and Adam Ratana: Connect Four, baby
Sumit Lohia and Colleen Margaret Baker : Program shows the difference in running times of a NP and a P version of Fibonacci generating algorithms.
Andre Violentyev and Jie Zou:This programm asks the user for an integer in decimal format and converts that integer into a binary format number. Impressive, yes?
Erin Burr and Herain Oberoi: This is the standard Towers of Hanoi problem. each line of output contains a number with 2 digits. The first digit is the starting peg number. all disks start on peg 1 and eventually will end up on disk 3. disk 2 is the transition peg in this case. the second digit is where the disk will end up. any number less than 1 entered as the depth of the tower will terminate the program.
Description of rowlett-sanner.sl
Jonathan M. Rowlett and Scott P. Sanner: This program simulates the use of a simple cipher wheel. Instead of using the alphabet, the program uses numbers 0-25 to represent each letter. Upon entering the program, it prompts for a key. This key represents the initial position of the inner disc. The program then prompts to either encipher text or decipher text. Entering a one sets the program to encipher mode; otherwise, the program will decipher text. Type the stream of input to either encrypt or decrypt using numbers 0-25 to represent each character in the alphabet. Terminate with a number greater than 25.
Peter Kioko and Robert Rumpf: Generates
first n Fibonacci numbers.
Sean A Householder and Alexander J Kutner:This program will figure out the Fibonacci value of a given number if you input a 1 before your number. It can also find the prime factorization of a number if you enter a 2 first. If a negative number is entered at any time the program will exit. The program also outputs a useless line of one's if you do not enter a valid number for your choice of functions.
Susumu Harada and Toi Wa Lee:
The cool program takes two non-negative integers and finds the least
common mulitple of the two.
Tobin Coziahr and Luke McCullough : Takes an integer in an input file and returns the factorial.
Peter Cunningham and Amit Dhuleshia and Kaushik Merchant
: outputs sum of 2 numbers
Suman Grandhi and Raymond Thng :
This is the game where you are given a board of 9 squares and all of the
numbers are out of order. One of the squares is empty, but will be
represented by the number 9 (due to the limitations of SL). You need to get
the board from it's scrambled state to this:
You will be able to control which way the number nine piece will move.
Use the keypad with number lock on to move in these directions:
(depending on terminal, you may not get the keypad to work, so use the number
8 - UP
2 - DOWN
4 - LEFT
Also, at the begining, you will be asked to enter a number for scramble key.
Enter any positive number, to help scramble the pieces. This scramble function
will come up with 10
different board configurations, however a better scramble function can be
easily written.
For example, to move the square with the number 9 in it upward:
156 ---------------> 196
294 ---> press 8 --> 254
783 ---------------> 783
The 9 and the number in the square above it swapped since 8 (UP) was pressed.
Continue until you order all of the pieces.
If you make an illegal move, then the program will output -1 and will ask you
to reenter a move.
Have fun!!
written by: Suman Grandhi and Raymond Thng
Kok Sum Sam Kwong and Paul
Patrick Chiu and Kevin Shiue:
This is a version of the Game of Life (takes one large number as input).
Try to figure out what each number [0-9] does.
Bryan Holland-Minkley and
Christopher Verburg: A Tic-Tac-Toe program where the computer controls
the second player
Adi Zukerman and Dan Robinson:
Factorial Program: Computes the factorial of any numer. Limited by memory.