Programming Assignments, Homeworks, Exams
15-212, Spring 1998

Assignments and Grading:

Several programming assignments, homeworks, and in-class exams will be given during this course (provided there are enough TAs!). Here is a tentative breakdown, along with the weight given to each: The remaining 10% will be reserved for class participation.

For some more information, see the syllabus.

Questions about grades?

First see the TA for your section. He will take it from there.

Late hand-in:

There will be a penalty for delays in handing in answers to homeworks or programming assignments (TBA). If you cannot complete an assignment in time for some unforeseen and unavoidable reason, talk to the TAs and/or instructors. Unless otherwise stated, scores for late hand-ins will be reduced as follows: If you make multiple submissions for your programming assignments, only the last one will be graded.

Policy on collaboration and cheating:

Basically, No cheating!! The standard penalty for cheating in this course will be failing the course. Here are a few guidelines, not necessarily exhaustive:

In any case, when in doubt, err on the side of caution. If you cannot complete an assignment in time for some unforeseen and unavoidable reason, talk to the TAs and/or instructors.