Lab 2 Wall of Fame
15-213, Fall 2003

The following Carnegie Mellon 15-213 students defused Dr. Evil's secret phase in the Fall of 2003.
They are forever enshrined in this Wall of Fame. Congratulations!

  1. akromer (Aaron Kromer)
  2. amohan (Arvind Mohan)
  3. ams2 (Andrew Schreiner)
  4. axc (Arthur Chan)
  5. bct (Beng Tang)
  6. bhansen (Bob Hansen)
  7. caustin (Craig Austin)
  8. cdifazio (Charles Difazio)
  9. chunhuaz (Chris Zhang)
  10. cjarvis (Colin Jarvis)
  11. cklim (Kelvin Lim)
  12. eechan (Ernest Chan)
  13. joshyoun (Josh Young)
  14. kfd (Kenneth Daniel)
  15. lsalzman (Lee Salzman)
  16. marcscha (Marc Schaub)
  17. mpryan (Michael Ryan)
  18. myp (Michael Polyakov)
  19. ngm (Naju Mancheril)
  20. rebeccar (Rebecca Miller)
  21. smroos (Stephen Roos)
  22. ynz (Yinmeng Zhang)