Lab 2 Wall of Fame
15-213, Fall 2003
The following Carnegie Mellon 15-213 students defused Dr. Evil's
secret phase in the Fall of 2003.
They are forever enshrined in this
Wall of Fame. Congratulations!
- akromer (Aaron Kromer)
- amohan (Arvind Mohan)
- ams2 (Andrew Schreiner)
- axc (Arthur Chan)
- bct (Beng Tang)
- bhansen (Bob Hansen)
- caustin (Craig Austin)
- cdifazio (Charles Difazio)
- chunhuaz (Chris Zhang)
- cjarvis (Colin Jarvis)
- cklim (Kelvin Lim)
- eechan (Ernest Chan)
- joshyoun (Josh Young)
- kfd (Kenneth Daniel)
- lsalzman (Lee Salzman)
- marcscha (Marc Schaub)
- mpryan (Michael Ryan)
- myp (Michael Polyakov)
- ngm (Naju Mancheril)
- rebeccar (Rebecca Miller)
- smroos (Stephen Roos)
- ynz (Yinmeng Zhang)