Lab 2 Wall of Fame
15-213, Fall 2006

The following Carnegie Mellon 15-213 students defused Dr. Evil's secret phase.
They are forever enshrined in this Wall of Fame. Congratulations!

  1. avolkovi (Alex Volkovitsky)
  2. calvinh (Calvin Dakai Hsu)
  3. davidpar (David Park)
  4. eyoon1 (Eunjung Yoon)
  5. fpalermo (Frank M. Palermo)
  6. gme (Greg Eden)
  7. ho (Anthony Ho)
  8. jgg (Jared G. Goerner)
  9. jmtrived (Jayini Mukul Trivedi)
  10. jug (Jason U. Grisafi)
  11. mgarlan (Matthew A Garlan)
  12. mglazer (Michael D Glazer)
  13. nbauernf (Nate Bauernfeind)
  14. pmesick (Preston M Mesick)
  15. rchaudhu (Rupsha Chaudhuri)
  16. rlane (Rich Lane)
  17. rpanayap (Ramu Panayappan)
  18. rutav (Ruta Yeshwant Vaidya)
  19. seunghwa (Seunghwan Hong)
  20. shase (Sanket Somnath Hase)
  21. spancham (Smidth Dilip Panchamia)