Read and review "Market-Oriented Programming: Some Early Lessons".
Pick a paper from science or nature or the jounral of nanotechnology and describe the technology according to the design space discussed in class. Identify the SCUs and for each:
- type: artifact, process, tool
- size: Primary size of the SCU
- Dimensions controlled: 0-3
- Pitch: pitch of the SCU
- Degrees of freedom: 0 or more
- Manufacturing Method: Bottom-up, Top-down, hybrid
- Manufacturing Mode: Deterministic, Crystalline, Random
- State of practise: Theory, lab, product
- Environment of activity: STP or not
- Bio-Integration: yes or no
- Active or Passive
- Self-replication: yes or no
Please email me your writeup and the pdf of the paper you describe
before Tue Midnight.