- The Role of Metal-Nanotube Contact in the Performance of Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors,
Zhihong Chen, Joerg Appenzeller, Joachim Knoch, Yu-ming Lin, and Phaedon Avouris, Nano Letters 2005 5(7):1497 - 1502
Whence Molecular Electronics?,
A. Flood, J. Stoddart, D. Steuerman, J. Heath, 2004 Dec, Science 306():2055-7
In your writeup please address the answer the following questions:
- What is the difference between passive and active devices?
- List the different kinds of molecular devices. Describe their analog to a CMOS device and the primary physical mechanism they use to achieve their behavior.
- How does assembly change the devices?
- How do molecular tranistors (e.g., Carbon nanotubes or cobalt complexes) differ from MOSFETs?
- What is the mechanism that makes a carbon nanotube (CNT) behave like a transistor?
- Is there subthreshold leakage? Why/Why not?
- Compare the performance of a CNT to a MOSFET.
- List three reasons why a CNT-transistor might be hard to use in real circuits.
- What is the main difference between a molecular device and a CMOS device.
Please email me your writeup before Mon Midnight.