15-451 Schedule, Fall 2010

Date Topic Reading (CLRS)   Due
1. 08/24: Intro & Admin. Karatsuba/Strassen.  
2. 08/26: Asymptotic analysis, solving recurrences.1-4 
3. 08/31: Probabilistic analysis, Randomized Quicksort.5,7Mini 1 due
4. 09/02: Linear-time Selection (randomized and deterministic).9 
5. 09/07: Comparison-based lower bounds for sorting.8.1  
6. 09/09: Tight upper/lower bounds II Hwk 1 due
7. 09/14: Amortized Analysis 17 Mini 2 due
8. 09/16: Search trees: B-trees and treaps. 12,18 
9. 09/21: Digit-based sorting/data-structures (Radix sort, tries) + QUIZ 8Hwk 2 pres
10. 09/23: Hashing: universal and perfect hashing.11 
11. 09/28: Dynamic Programming. 15Mini 3 due
12. 09/30: Graph Algorithms I22,23 
13. 10/05: Graph Algorithms II21Hwk 3 due
14. 10/07: Review (optional)  
15. 10/12: MIDTERM Mini 4 due
16. 10/14: Graph Algorithms III24,25 
16. 10/19: BFS, DFS, Coloring, Strongly Connected Components24,25 
17. 10/21: Network Flows and Matchings I26 
18. 10/26: Network Flows and Matchings II Hwk 4 pres
19. 10/28: Linear Programming29 
20. 11/02: NP-Completeness I34Mini 5 due
22. 11/04: NP-Completeness II35 
23. 11/09: Approximation Algorithms Hwk 5 pres
24. 11/11: On-line algorithms+ QUIZ31 
25. 11/16: Number-theoretic algs I  
26. 11/18: Number-theoretic algs II  
27. 11/23: Fast Fourier Transform Mini 6 due
26. 11/25: No class. Thanksgiving Break!30 
28. 11/30: Machine Learning and Game Theory Hwk 6 due
29. 12/02: Mechanism/protocol design, Cake Cutting.