By the end of this course, you should be able to:
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
5P (Kristy, GHC 4101) 6P (Paul, 3rd floor Gates) |
11:30A (Kevin, GHC 4162) 2:30P (Eugene, GHC 4122) |
10:30A (Miguel, GHC 8023) 4-6P (Anupam, GHC 7203) |
3:30P (rntz, GHC 8129) 2-4P (Avrim, GHC 8111) 5:30P (Andrea, GHC 4211) |
5P (Kristy, GHC 4102) | 3:30P (Yuzi, GHC 7513) |
For almost all questions related to the class, it makes sense to use Piazza instead of email. It is faster: you can get a response to your questions from any of the staff members or even from your classmates, instead of waiting for the staff member you emailed. Also, your queries (and their answers) can help your classmates who have the same questions.
Other helpful material can be found in: Algorithm Design by J. Kleinberg and E. Tardos, Data Structures and Network Algorithms by R. E. Tarjan, Randomized Algorithms by Motwani and Raghavan, Programming Pearls by J. Bentley, Introduction to Algorithms: a Creative Approach by U. Manber, and the classic Aho-Hopcroft-Ullman book. See also some excellent lecture notes by Jeff Erickson at UIUC.