Schedule: 15-451 Spring 2006

Class Month Day DW Topic Due Reading
1 Jan 17 Tu Introduction   Handout
2 Jan 19 Th Asymptotocs, Recurrences   Handout, 2.1-2.2,5.2
3 Jan 24 Tu Probabilistic Analysis, Quicksort Mini 1 due Handout, 13.3,13.12
4 Jan 26 Th Selection   Handout, 13.5
5 Jan 31 Tu Sorting Lower Bounds HW 1 due Handout, 2.4
6 Feb 2 Th Balanced Trees   Handout
7 Feb 7 Tu Amortized Analysis Mini 2 due Handout
8 Feb 9 Th Splay Trees   Handout
9 Feb 14 Tu Radix Sort & Tries HW 2 due (sign up) Handout
10 Feb 16 Th Hashing, universal and perfect   13.6
11 Feb 21 Tu Dynamic Programming I &QUIZ Mini 3 due 6.1-6.7
12 Feb 23 Th Dynamic Programming II   6.1-6.7
13 Feb 28 Tu Graph Algorithms I HW 3 due 6.8-6.10
14 Mar 2 Th Graph Algorithms II:   Handout
15 Mar 7 Tu Graph Algorithms III: Mini 4 due Handout
16 Mar 9 Th  Midterm  
  Mar 14 Tu  Spring Break
  Mar 16 Th  Spring Break
17 Mar 21 Tu Network Flows & Matchings I   7.1-7.3 and 7.5-7.6
18 Mar 23 Th Network Flows & Matchings II HW 4 due (sign up) 7.7-7.11
19 Mar 28 Tu Computational Geometry I Mini 5 due 13.7 and 5.4
20 Mar 30 Th Computational Geometry II   Handout
21 Apr 4 Tu FFT and applications HW 5 due 5.6
22 Apr 6 Th Competitive Algorithms I   Handout
23 Apr 11 Tu Competitive Algorithms II & QUIZ Mini 6 due Handout
24 Apr 13 Th Linear Programming I   tba
25 Apr 18 Tu Linear Programming II HW 6 due (sign up) tba
  Apr 20 Th  Spring Carnival 
26 Apr 25 Tu NP-Completeness I   tba
27 Apr 27 Th NP-Completeness II   tba
28 May 2 Tu Approximation Algorithms I HW 7 due tba
29 May 4 Th Approximation Algorithms II   tba
30 May ??    Final  When Where?  



Last modified: Tue Apr 11 09:53:20 EDT 2006