Place/Time: WEH 7500, TR 12:00 Noon - 1:20pm.
- A: Wed 10:30 AM (DH 1217) - Alan Xiao Zhu
- B: Wed 11:30 AM (DH 1217) - Richard Peng
- C: Wed 01:30 PM (DH 1217) - Anlu Wang
- D: Wed 02:30 PM (DH 1217) - Hui Han Chin
Teaching Assistants:
- Richard Peng
(Office Hours: Wednesday and Friday 4:30-6:00pm in GHC 7713)
- Hui Han Chin, (Office Hours: Tuesday 8pm - 10 pm, Wednesday 3:30pm - 5:30pm)
- Anlu Wang (Office Hours: Sunday 1:00-2:30pm, Thursday 3:00-4:30pm. GHC 7th floor lounge)
- Alan Xiao Zhu (Office Hours: Tuesday 6:30-8:00pm, Friday 10:30am-12:00pm, GHC 4122/4126)
Email dlist:
- The course bulletin board is: academic.cs.15-451 To sign up to these boards:
- Log in to using your andrew id.
- Click on "Folders"
- At the bottom, there is a box called "Subscribe to"
- Type in academic.cs.15-451 and click "Subscribe"
- Post to the discussion board by sending email to from your andrew account
Course Secretary: Cleah Schlueter, GHC 4113