Tentative Schedule

This midterms and lectures may be not on the correct date. This schedule is very preliminary: the number of lectures and order of the topics are likely to change.

Lec. Instr. Date Day Topic Assignments
1 G Jan 17 T Introduction, asymptotic analysis, Strassen's alg.
recitation Jan 18 W asymptotic notations, Strassen's alg.
2 V Jan 19 R solving recurrences and Karatsuba's alg. Hwk 1 out [PDF | TEX]
3 V Jan 24 T Fast Fourier Transform
[ FFT | CLRS 30 ]
recitation Jan 25 W FFT Hwk 1 due
[Solutions PDF]
4 G Jan 26 R Dynamic Programming Hwk 2 out [PDF | TEX]
5 G Jan 31 T More Dynamic Programming
recitation Feb 01 W Dynamic Programming Hwk 2 checkpoint
6 V Feb 02 R Amortized Analysis - Binomial Heaps
[ Amortized Analysis | CLRS 17 and 19 ]
7 G Feb 07 T Treaps
recitation   Feb 08   W Amortized Analysis Hwk 2 due
[Solutions PDF]
8 G Feb 09 R Amortized Analysis - Splay Trees Hwk 3 out [PDF]
9 V Feb 14 T Randomized Quicksort and Linear-time Selection
recitation Feb 15 W Treaps Hwk 3 due
[Solutions PDF]
10 G Feb 16 R Computational Geometry I: Introduction and Sweep Line
11 V Feb 21 T Computational Geometry II: Convex Hull
recitation Feb 22 W review for exam
Feb 23 R Midterm Hwk 4 out [PDF]
12 G Feb 28 T Computational Geometry III: Random Incremental
recitation Feb 29 W Computational Geometry
13 G Mar 01 R Computational Geometry VI: 2D-Linear Programming
14 V Mar 06 T Graph Algorithms I - MST && SSSP
recitation Mar 07 W Smallest Circle Problem
[ Notes ]
Hwk 4 due [Solutions PDF]
15 V Mar 08 R Graph Algorithms II - Biconnected Components Hwk 5 out [PDF | TeX ]
Mar 13 T Spring Break
Mar 15 R Spring Break
16 Mar 20 T Introduction to Linear Programming:
[ Class Notes | Readings: CLRS Chaper 29 ]
recitation Mar 21 W Graph Algorithms
17 Mar 22 R Max Flow I: Intro
[ CLRS 26.1 and 26.2 | Kozen 16 | Class Notes ]
Hwk 5 due [Solutions PDF]
18 Mar 27 R Maximum Flow via Preflow-Push
[ KT 7.4 | CLRS Chapter 26.4 | Class Notes ]
recitation Mar 28 W Max Flow
19 Mar 29 T Linear Programming Duality Hwk 6 out [PDF | TeX ]
20 Apr 03 T Parallel Algorithms I
recitation Apr 04 W Push Relabel
21 Apr 05 R Parallel Algorithms II: Prescan and List-Ranking
22 Apr 10 T Parallel Algorithms III: List-Ranking using Random-Mate Hwk 6 due
recitation Apr 11 W Parallel List Ranking
23 Apr 12 T Parallel Algorithms IV: Tree Contraction
Apr 17 R Midterm
recitation Apr 18 W Reductions
Apr 19 R Spring Carnival
24 Apr 24 T NP-Completeness I: Intro
[ Read CLRS Chapter 34 | Class Notes ]
Hwk 7 out [PDF]
recitation Apr 25 W NP-Completeness
25 Apr 26 R NP-Completeness II
[ Class Notes | CLRS 34.4 ]
26 May 01 T NP-Completeness III
recitation May 02 W TBA
27 May 03 R Approximation Algorithms Hwk 7 due
May 9 Wed Review for the Final 7-9PM GHC 4102
May 11 Fr Final Exam: 8:30-11:30 a.m DH 2302