Gradescope Instructions

  • Only PDFs are allowed.
  • Please start each question on a new page.
  • When uploading your PDF: gradescope will ask you to mark the pages containing the solutions to each question. Please help us with this --- it will make your TAs' life so much easier!

  • For late HWs: Each HW#N will stop taking submissions at the due date. However, there will be a special "HW#N-Late" that will allow submissions for the next only two days. If you submit a late HW, you will lose points according to the course policy: 10 points per day. Since gradescope does not have the late-days feature, these late days penalty will be manually deducted later (after accounting for the 2 mercy days for the semester).

  • Accounts: You will have received an email from if you were registered on [DATE HERE]. If you registered late, you may not have an account. In that case please contact your TA who can register you for the course.