The programming assignments in this course will be written in C++ and require
knowledge of mathematics involving matrices, vectors, etc. Therefore successful
completion of the following courses is required:
15-213/18-243 Introduction to Computer Systems
and either
18-202 Mathematical Foundations of Electrical Engineering
or both
21-241 Matrix Algebra, and
21-259 Calculus in Three Dimensions
Once you've completed 15-462, you may be interested in other
courses offered by the Carnegie
Mellon Graphics Lab.
There are two required textbooks for 15-462 this semester:
Shirley, Peter et. al. Fundamentals of Computer Graphics.
2nd ed. Wellesley: A K Peters, 2005.
OpenGL® Architecture Review Board. OpenGL® Programming Guide.
6th ed. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2007.
An older edition of the OpenGL® Programming Guide (covering the OpenGL® 1.1 specification)
may be found online here and should be sufficient
for the purposes of this course. However, the printed text may be of interest as it is newer
than the online version and covers the OpenGL® 2.1 specification.
Assignments & Grading
This semester's offering of 15-462 will include three programming projects, two written homeworks,
and midterm and final exams. Final grades will be computed as follows:
- (10%) Homework 1
- (10%) Homework 2
- ( 5%) Project 0 (OpenGL)
- (15%) Project 1 (Spline)
- (25%) Project 2 (Raytracing)
- (15%) Midterm Exam
- (20%) Final Exam
Regardless of the platform on which you develop your code, your project
will be graded based on its performance and functionality in the school's linux machines, which include
all machines in WeH 5336, 5205, 5207 and the linux machines in the West Wing cluster. To avoid
last-minute surprises (and crowds!), please ensure your code compiles and runs correctly well before the
Late Policy
Late projects or assignments will NOT be accepted unless you obtain
permission from the instructor.
Submission Instructions
Your handin directory may be found at
/afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15462-f09/handin/andrewid/p?/, with ? being the project number, starting from 0.
All your files should be placed in the corresponding project directory. Please make sure you have a directory
and are able to write to it well before the deadline. We are not responsible
if you wait until 10 minutes before the deadline and run into trouble.
Do not add levels of indirection when submitting. For example, your
makefile should be at .../andrewid/p?/Makefile, not
.../andrewid/p?/myp?/Makefile or .../andrewid/p?/p?.tar.gz.
Please use the same arrangement as the handout.
You should submit all files needed to build your project, as well as any
models or screenshots that you used or created.
- src/ folder with all .cpp and .hpp files.
- Makefile
- All *.mk files
Be aware that you have a limit to you AFS space, so do not submit an
unreasonably large number of models or images.
Please do not include:
- The bin/ folder or any .o or .d files.
- Executable files
We will enter your handin directory and run make, and it should build
correctly. The code must compile and run on CMU's linux cluster
machines. Be sure to check to make sure you submit all files and it
builds correctly.
Failure to follow submission instructions will negatively impact your grade.
BBoard Posting Instruction
When you post to the bboard, you should use "post+..." instead of "bb+",
Please refer to http://www.cmu.edu/computing/doc/email/bboard/posting.html for details