Cognitive Robotics Final Project Ideas
The Ultimate Ball-Chaser
Student: Mark Ritterhoff
- Use the Lookout to track the ball (and modify the Lookout
so it works on the Qwerk and Create robots as well as on the AIBO).
- If the ball goes off screen, use its direction of travel to
intelligently guess where to look for it.
- If ball isn't where we expect, execute a visual search for it.
- If visual search fails, go off and hunt for the ball, avoiding
obstacles along the way. (Should be able to eventually find a ball
hidden anywhere in the playpen.) Possible wall-following behavior.
- Use audio signals to indicate when the ball is lost and reacquired.
- When robot gets close to the ball, execute one of several
behaviors: kick the ball, circle the ball, try to push the ball.
- Possible extensions: multiple balls.
Qwerkbot Customization
Student: Scott McCaffrey
Create a web site to teach people how to modify a Qwerkbot and
use those modifications in Tekkotsu:
- Adding a switch (double throw; single throw with pulldown resistor; bump switches)
- Adding an LED (types of LEDs that will work; how to select a current limiting resistor)
- Adding a pressure sensor
- Adding an ultrasonic rangefinder
- Adding a servo
- Adding sound and light electronics from a child's toy raygun (computer controls the trigger)
- Adding a laser pointer that can be aimed with a pan/tilt servo and
controlled from Tekkotsu
Sheep Herding: Boundary Navigation
Student: Chris Solidum
- Create a complex but convex boundary using pink tape.
- The robot must keep all the blue easter eggs inside the boundary
and all the orange eggs outside. Eggs on the wrong side of the boundary
must be pushed to the other side.
- Tricky issue: determining which is the "inside" of the boundary,
especially when you're standing on top of it. This is the heart
of the project.
- Robot patrols the boundary and surrounding area looking for stray
sheep that must be herded back to where they belong.
- Human can move eggs around; robot must notice and respond.
Robotic Tentacle
Student: Jonathan Coens
- Given a tentacle constructed from a chain of 6-8 servos, investigate
algorithms for controlling it.
- Place colored markers on the servos so you can see their
positions relative to objects the tentacle is to grasp or avoid.
- Use visual feedback to guide the tentacle.
Particle Filter for Navigation
Student: TBD
- Decorate the playpen with distinctive markers.
- Write code to allow the robot to determine its position by first
visuall acquiring markers and then using Tekkotsu's particle filter to
localize itself based on the marker positions.
- Write code that allows the user to instruct the robot to travel
to any desired location in the environment. Calculate a rough
trajectory and use the particle filter to guide the robot's progress.
Silverware / Cereal Box Sorter
Student: Danielle Millett
- Given a collection of plastic spoons and forks,
sort them into two piles
- First problem is to isolate one item from the collection. Then
identify the item class. Then push it to the correct location.
- Can use SIFT to distinguish spoons from forks: must train up
spoon and fork models from examples.
- Can mount the pieces on blocks of wood to make it easier to push
Dave Touretzky
Last modified: Tue Apr 8 03:55:17 EDT 2008