15-495 Spring '02
Project Final Report
Due: Tuesday, April 30, 9:00am
I am flexible regarding the format of the final report for your project.
The one required element is that you include a breakdown of how you would
like the credit to be distributed among the partners, based upon their
contributions (e.g., 50-50, 60-40, etc.).
I would suggest that you pattern it after a research paper, and that you
attempt to answer the follow questions somewhere in your report:
- What were the goals of your project? (i.e. what problem were your
trying to solve, what is the motivation for this, etc.)
- Describe your experimental setup (e.g., machine used, input data
sets, etc.) in sufficient detail that the reader could potentially recreate
your experiments.
- What surprises did you encounter in your project?
- Please describe the iterative process by which you arrived at your
final design. (i.e. don't just present the final design, but discuss what
you learned along the way, and how this guided you toward your final
- What you have learned from this project? (This should be summarized
in a ``conclusions'' section at the end of your report.)
Please hand in a hardcopy version of your report, and also put an
electronic version (preferably in html) on your project web page. It would
also be great if you could post links to your software on your project web
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