The JavaBeans APIs

The JavaBeans APIs are fully defined and explained in the JavaBeans API Specification available from our download site.

Here is the Javadoc API documentation for the JavaBeans classes and interfaces.

Interface Index

  • BeanInfo
  • Customizer
  • PropertyChangeListener
  • PropertyEditor
  • VetoableChangeListener
  • Visibility
  • Class Index

  • BeanDescriptor
  • Beans
  • EventSetDescriptor
  • FeatureDescriptor
  • IndexedPropertyDescriptor
  • Introspector
  • MethodDescriptor
  • ParameterDescriptor
  • PropertyChangeEvent
  • PropertyChangeSupport
  • PropertyDescriptor
  • PropertyEditorManager
  • SimpleBeanInfo
  • VetoableChangeSupport
  • Exception Index

  • IntrospectionException
  • PropertyVetoException

  • Java, JavaBeans, and JavaSoft are trademarks of Sun Microsystems Inc.

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