-*- text -*- How to get GNU Software by Internet FTP or by UUCP. Last updated 11 June 95. * Please send improvements to this file to gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu. * No Warranties We distribute software in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty. No author or distributor of this software accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. * Updates If you find this file in the Emacs distribution, there is a chance it is out of date. If you plan to FTP files from a GNU FTP host, you might as well start by FTPing the current version of this file, which is `/pub/gnu/GNUinfo/FTP'. * How to FTP Use the ftp program on your system (ask locally if you can't find it) to connect to the host you are ftping from. Unless indicated otherwise, login in as user "anonymous", with password: "your e-mail address" and set "binary" mode (to transfer all eight bits in each byte). * FTPing GNU Software GNU software is available on prep.ai.mit.edu under directory /pub/gnu. diff files to convert between versions (like those used for GNU Emacs), exist for some of these programs. Some programs have misc support files as well. Have a look on prep to see which ones. Compressed versions of the tar or diff files are often available (indicated by a .gz suffix and made with the `gzip' program). Some of this software is in beta test (probably still buggy), and is being made available for use by hackers who like to test software. The file /pub/gnu/DESCRIPTIONS has a list of the packages distributed on prep.ai.mit.edu with a brief description explaining what each one can be used for. More information about these programs can typically be found in the GNU Bulletin. To receive a copy, write to gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu. ** Alternative Internet FTP Sources Please do NOT use a site outside your country, until you have checked all sites inside your country, and then your continent. Trans-ocean TCP/IP links are very expensive and usually very low speed. The administrators of louie.udel.edu maintains copies of GNU Emacs. The files are available via anonymous ftp under directory ~ftp/gnu. Emacs and other GNU programs may be available via anonymous ftp from these US sites: ftp.kpc.com/pub/mirror/gnu (Silicon Valley, CA) ftp.hawaii.edu/mirrors/gnu, f.ms.uky.edu/pub3/gnu, ftp.digex.net/pub/gnu (Internet address, nightly full mirror, ran by mcguire@digex.net), wuarchive.wustl.edu/systems/gnu, uiarchive.cso.uiuc.edu/pub/gnu (Internet address, nightly full mirror, ran by ftpadmin@uiuc.edu), ftp.cs.columbia.edu/archives/gnu/prep, jaguar.utah.edu/gnustuff, gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/GNU, labrea.stanford.edu, archive.cis.ohio-state.edu, and ftp.uu.net/archive/systems/gnu. And these foreign sites: ftp.cs.ubc.ca/mirror2/gnu (Western Canada, daily full mirror, ran by ftp-admin@cs.ubc.ca), ftp.inf.utfsm.cl/pub/gnu (Chile nightly full mirror, ran by ftp@inf.utfsm.cl), ftp.unicamp.br/pub/gnu (Brazil manual mirror, ran by oliva@dcc.unicamp.br), archie.au/gnu (Australia ran by gnu@archie.au (archie.oz or archie.oz.au for ACSnet)), ftp.technion.ac.il/pub/unsupported/gnu (Israel, daily full mirror, ran by ftp-admin), ftp.sun.ac.za/pub/gnu (South Africa), ftp.etsimo.uniovi.es/pub/gnu (Spain), ftp.mcc.ac.uk/pub/gnu ( daily full mirror, ran by root@ftp.mcc.ac.uk), unix.hensa.ac.uk/mirrors/uunet/systems/gnu, ftp.warwick.ac.uk ( daily full mirror, ran by unixhelp@warwick.ac.uk), ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de, ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de (Germany, ran by sunsite@sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de), germany.eu.net (Germany, ran by archive-admin@germany.eu.net), isy.liu.se (Sweden, ran by ftpadm@isy.liu.se), ftp.stacken.kth.se or ftp.luth.se/pub/unix/gnu (Sweden), ftp.sunet.se/pub/gnu (Sweden daily mirror, ran by archive@ftp.sunet.se (also mirrors the Mailing List Archives) ftp.nl.net (Netherlands), ftp.win.tue.nl/pub/gnu (Netherlands daily mirror, ran by ftp@win.tue.nl), ftp.funet.fi/pub/gnu (Finland, ran by gnu-adm), ftp.denet.dk (Denmark), ugle.unit.no (Norway, ftp.eunet.ch or nic.switch.ch/mirror/gnu (Switzerland), irisa.irisa.fr/pub/gnu or ftp.univ-lyon1.fr:pub/gnu (ran by ftpmaint@ftp.univ-lyon1.fr) (France), ftp.ieunet.ie:pub/gnu (Ireland weekly mirror, ran by archive@ieunet.ie), archive.eu.net (Europe, cair-archive.kaist.ac.kr/pub/gnu (Korea, ran by ftpkeeper@cair-archive.kaist.ac.kr), ftp.nectec.or.th/pub/mirrors/gnu (Thailand daily mirror, ran by ftp@nwg.nectec.or.th), tron.um.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pub/GNU/prep (Japan - ran by ftp-admin@tron.um.u-tokyo.ac.jp) or ftp.cs.titech.ac.jp (Japan, ran by ftp-admin@cs.titech.ac.jp - nemacs, the japanese port of GNU Emacs, is under ~ftp/JAPAN). * Getting GNU software in Great Britain jpo@cs.nott.ac.uk is willing to distribute those GNU sources he has available. The smaller items are available from the info-server (send to info-server@cs.nott.ac.uk) the larger items by negotiation. Due to communication costs this service is only available within the UK. BattenIG@computer-science.birmingham.ac.uk (aka I.G.Batten@fulcrum.bt.co.uk) is also willing to distribute those GNU sources he has. He can also write tapes in qic-21 and qic-24 formats. lmjm@doc.ic.ac.uk is willing to distribute those GNU sources he has along with comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.x, X windows et al. The archive, on src.doc.ic.ac.uk in directory /gnu, is available via ftp over the Internet (on, ftam over IXI, HTTP, FSP, Gopher, ftpmail, NFS, Lanmanger over IP, telnet, and uucp. Due to communication costs this service is only available within the UK. Mail to info-server@doc.ic.ac.uk for details. He can also write sun cartridge or exabyte tapes. UK sites with just anonymous FTP access are in the above list. * Getting GNU software via UUCP OSU is distributing via UUCP: most GNU software, MIT C Scheme, Compress, News, RN, NNTP, Patch, some Appletalk stuff, some of the Internet Requests For Comment (RFC) et al.. See their periodic postings on the Usenet newsgroup comp.sources.d for informational updates. Current details from or <...!osu-cis!staff>. Information on how to uucp some GNU programs is available via electronic mail from: uunet!hutch!barber, hqda-ai!merlin, acornrc!bob, hao!scicom!qetzal!upba!ugn!nepa!denny, ncar!noao!asuvax!hrc!dan, bigtex!james (aka james@bigtex.cactus.org), oli-stl!root, src@contrib.de (Germany), toku@dit.co.jp (Japan) and info@ftp.uu.net. * If You Like The Software If you like the software developed and distributed by the Free Software Foundation, please express your satisfaction with a donation. Your donations will help to support the Foundation and make our future efforts successful, including a complete development and operating system, called GNU (Gnu's Not Un*x), which will run Un*x user programs. For more information on GNU and the Foundation, contact us at the above address. Ordering a distribution tape from the Foundation is often a good way to bring your company or university to make a donation.