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Class sunw.demo.juggler.Juggler


public class Juggler
extends Applet
implements Runnable

Constructor Index

 o Juggler()

Method Index

 o getAnimationRate()
 o getMinimumSize()
 o getPreferredSize()
 o minimumSize()
 o paint(Graphics)
Draw the current frame.
 o preferredSize()
 o run()
 o setAnimationRate(int)
 o setEnabled(boolean)
If false, suspend the animation thread.
 o start()
Applet method: start the Juggler applet.
 o startJuggling()
Resume the animation thread if we're enabled.
 o startJuggling(ActionEvent)
An event handling method that calls startJuggling.
 o stop()
Applet method: stop the Juggler applet.
 o stopJuggling()
Suspend the animation thread if neccessary.
 o stopJuggling(ActionEvent)
This method can be used to connect a Button or a MenuItem to the Juggler.stopJuggling method.


 o Juggler
 public Juggler()


 o start
 public synchronized void start()
Applet method: start the Juggler applet.

start in class Applet
 o stop
 public synchronized void stop()
Applet method: stop the Juggler applet.

stop in class Applet
 o paint
 public void paint(Graphics g)
Draw the current frame.

paint in class Container
 o setEnabled
 public synchronized void setEnabled(boolean x)
If false, suspend the animation thread.

setEnabled in class Component
 o startJuggling
 public synchronized void startJuggling()
Resume the animation thread if we're enabled.

See Also:
stopJuggling, setEnabled
 o stopJuggling
 public synchronized void stopJuggling()
Suspend the animation thread if neccessary.

See Also:
startJuggling, setEnabled
 o startJuggling
 public void startJuggling(ActionEvent x)
An event handling method that calls startJuggling. This method can be used to connect a Button or a MenuItem to the Juggler.

 o stopJuggling
 public void stopJuggling(ActionEvent x)
This method can be used to connect a Button or a MenuItem to the Juggler.stopJuggling method.

 o getAnimationRate
 public int getAnimationRate()
 o setAnimationRate
 public void setAnimationRate(int x)
 o getMinimumSize
 public Dimension getMinimumSize()
getMinimumSize in class Container
 o minimumSize
 public Dimension minimumSize()
Note: minimumSize() is deprecated. provided for backward compatibility with old layout managers.

minimumSize in class Container
 o getPreferredSize
 public Dimension getPreferredSize()
getPreferredSize in class Container
 o preferredSize
 public Dimension preferredSize()
Note: preferredSize() is deprecated. provided for backward compatibility with old layout managers.

preferredSize in class Container
 o run
 public void run()

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