Building BDK examples

The BDK includes makefiles for rebuilding the BDK and all the examples using either nmake Makefiles on Windows or gnumake GNUmakefiles on UnixTM.

Note that you can build beans without using any kind of make utility. We provide example gnumake and nmake makefiles merely as a convenience for developers.

"nmake" Makefiles

The BDK can be rebuilt on Win32 systems using the Microsoft nmake utility. This is available as part of various Microsoft tools products, and is also available for download as a self-extracting .exe from Microsoft's ftp site as:

The "nmake" compatible makefiles are either called Makefile or end in the suffix ".mk". Thus beanbox\Makefile and demo\ are nmake makefiles. The makefiles expect you to have JDK 1.1 (or later) installed and to have the JDK bin directory on your windows PATH.

For clarity, the makefiles for the example beans have been broken up into a separate makefile for each example package. Thus to make the "buttons" package, you should cd to the demo directory and do "nmake -f"

To rebuild the entire BDK from scratch, cd to the directory where you have installed the BDK and do "nmake clean all".

"gnumake" GNUmakefiles

The BDK can be rebuilt on Unix systems using the gnumake utility. A number of different "make" utilities are available on Unix systems, we used gnumake because it has been very widely ported. You can obtain a copy of gnumake from one of the GNU ftp sites.

The "gnumake" compatible makefiles are either called GNUmakefile or end in the suffix ".gmk". Thus beanbox/GNUmakefile and demo/juggler.gmk are gnumake makefiles. The makefiles expect you to have JDK 1.1 (or later) installed and to have the JDK bin directory on your Unix PATH.

For clarity, the makefiles for the example beans have been broken up into a separate package.gmk makefile for each example package. Thus to make the "buttons" package, you should cd to the demo directory and do "gnumake -f buttons.gmk"

To rebuild the entire BDK from scratch, cd to the directory where you have installed the BDK and do "gnumake clean all".

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