15-740/18-740 Fall '12
Notes on Assignments and Exams
In the following, the term HOME740 refers to the home directory for the course, namely
Assignment 1
- Issued on Tuesday, Sept. 18; due on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 9:00AM.
- To get the current version of the handout and the lab materials, please
log onto your account on Autolab
(using your andrew credentials).
Assignment 2
- Issued on Tuesday, Oct. 2; due on Friday, Oct. 19, 4:00PM.
- To get the current version of the handout and the lab materials, please
log onto your account on Autolab
(using your andrew credentials).
- (Note that we have extended the original deadline to Friday, 10/19 at 4pm.)
Exam 1
- Exam 1 will be held on Tuesday, October 9th, during the usual class period (i.e. 9:00-10:20am in GHC 4303).
- The exam is closed book, closed notes.
- The exam will cover the material in Lectures 1 through 11 (i.e. up to and including cache coherence), but not
Lecture 12 (on memory consistency models).
- The exam will consist mostly of short answer questions.
Exam 2
- Exam 2 will be held on Thursday, November 8th, during the usual class period (i.e. 9:00-10:20am in GHC 4303).
- The exam is closed book, closed notes.
- The exam will cover the material in Lectures 12 through 22 (i.e. Memory Consistency Models through Pipelining).
- A few high-level questions regarding the research paper topics are fair
game. You are not expected to read any of the papers, but you are expected
to have been paying attention during the discussions of those papers.
- The slides from the discussions can be found on the class discussions page.
- The exam will consist mostly of short answer questions.
Back to 15-740/18-740 home page.