add | 2 | 1 | + |  |
(Integer arithmetic)
and | 2 | 1 | & |  |
(bitwise and logical ops)
arg | 0 | 1 | |  |
(Inter-Function flow)
This represents an incoming argument to the function. There
is no input wire
asr | 2 | 1 | >> |  |
(bitwise and logical ops)
cal | -1 | -1 | call |  |
(Inter-Function flow)
In addition to the address (first arg) and the arguments to the callee
(next n args for an n-arg call) there are four extra inputs SP, pred, token, crt.
(Old Simulator) 2 out: val,token; (New simulator) 4 out: val,SP,crt,token .
cast | 1 | 1 | (t) |  |
This cases the input to the type of the ouput. May not be C
casts, e.g., can cast a 16 bit signed into a 3 bit unsigned.
chk | 3 | 1 | chk |  |
two address to check for equivalence, 3rd argument unique id
cmpl | 1 | 1 | ~ |  |
( bitwise and logical ops)
const | 0 | 1 | |  |
(misc) The constant is represented as an immed in the
node. It has no inputs.
cont | -1 | -1 | cont |  |
(Inter-Function Flow)
call continuation: in: data, token. out: data, token (Old
Simulator). call continuation: in: data, SP, crt, token out: data, SP, crt, token (New Simulator)
create | 1 | 2 | C |  |
( misc)
1 in: crt, 2 out: address, token: allocate a symbol
delete | 2 | 1 | D |  |
( misc)
in: address, token; out: token: destroy a symbol
div | 3 | 1 | / |  |
(Integer arithmetic)
3-rd input is a predicate. If false, don't perform the addition.
ecal | -1 | 4 | Ecall |  |
( Epoch based call infrastructure (works with the new simulator and lowered IR only))
4 out: val,SP,crt,epochId
lowered: four extra in: SP, pred, epochId, crt
econt | 4 | 4 | Econt |  |
( Epoch based call infrastructure (works with the new simulator and lowered IR only))
call continuation: in: data, SP, crt, epochId
out: data, SP, crt, epochId
ecreate | -1 | 3 | EC |  |
( Epoch related)
epoch ids of epochs that have to complete before our epoch ops can execute
second to last input: enabling token, cannot execute before getting this (?may not be needed?)
last input: tree connection input
outputs: 0 epoch-id, 1 completion token (?may not be needed?), 2 tree output
ehc | -1 | 2 | EHC |  |
( special epoch nodes for loops without calls)
epoch ids of epochs that have to complete before out epoch ops can execute
second to last input: enabling token, cannot execute before getting this (?may not be needed?)
last input: tree connection input
outputs: 0 epoch-id, 1 tree output
elc | 2 | 2 | ELC |  |
( special epoch nodes for loops without calls)
inputs: 0 epoch-id of prior chained epoch, 1 tree connection input
outputs: 0 epoch-id, 1 tree connection output
eld | 3 | 2 | ELD |  |
(special epoch nodes for loops without calls)
inputs: 0 epoch-id of prior chained epoch, 1 predicate, 2 tree connection input
outputs: 0 completion token (?may not be needed?), 1 tree output
elod | 4 | 2 | E=[ ] |  |
( Epoch based memory operations)
inputs: address, predicate, epochid,treein; out = data,treeout
end | 0 | 0 | ### | Nada |
(misc) Never present.
epoch | 1 | 1 | E |  |
(Epoch related)
1 in: token 1 out: token to be sent to all epoch operations in parallel
eq | 2 | 1 | == |  |
eret | 4 | 0 | Eret |  |
( Epoch based call infrastructure (works with the new simulator and lowered IR only))
inputs: returned value, PC, epochId, crt
estr | 4 | 1 | E[ ]= |  |
( Epoch based memory operations)
inputs: address, data, predicate, epochid; out = treeout
eta | 3 | 1 | n |  |
(Inter-hyperblock flow)
3 in: val, pred, crt, 1 out: val. If pred is true and crt has
arrived, then pass pass val to output.
fp_add | 2 | 1 | + |  |
( FP stuff)
fp_div | 3 | 1 | / |  |
( FP stuff)
3-rd input is predicate
fp_mul | 2 | 1 | * |  |
( FP stuff)
fp_neg | 1 | 1 | - |  |
( FP stuff)
fp_sub | 2 | 1 | - |  |
( FP stuff)
frame | 1 | 2 | frm |  |
( OBS: This applies to the old simulator only )
create a frame on the stack; in=token, out=sp, token
hold | 2 | 1 | H |  |
( )
loop invariant op; in: data, predicate; out: data. If
predicate is true, pass data to output.
land | -1 | 1 | && |  |
( bitwise and logical ops)
logical and. Can take many inputs, all evaluated and anded together.
ldcont | 1 | 1 | =[+] |  |
( memory ops)
inputs: data; out = data
le | 2 | 1 | < |  |
( comparisons)
leq | 2 | 1 | <= |  |
( comparisons)
lod | 3 | 2 | =[ ] |  |
( memory ops)
inputs: address, predicate, token; out = data, token. if
predicate is true, issue load when token arrives. Return data and
when load performed, issue token.
lod_nopred | 5 | 1 | N=[ ] |  |
( Hardware Ops for Memory)
inputs: address, token, global token path, local token path, value path; outputs: tree access
lod_pred | 5 | 2 | P=[ ] |  |
( Hardware Ops for Memory)
inputs: address, token, global token path, local token path, value path; outputs: tree access, false token
lor | -1 | 1 | || |  |
( bitwise and logical ops)
logical or of multiple inputs.
lsl | 2 | 1 | << |  |
( bitwise and logical ops)
lsq | 2 | 2 | LSQ |  |
( Memory Tree)
tree reply
lsr | 2 | 1 | >> |  |
( bitwise and logical ops)
lvmerge | 2 | 1 | LVU |  |
( Hardware Ops for Memory)
inputs: val, token; outputs: val
memap | 1 | 1 | MAP |  |
( Memory Tree)
node representing the memory access port
memdemux | 1 | -1 | MD |  |
( Memory Tree)
node to build tree from the memory access point to the circuits
memmux | 2 | 1 | MM |  |
( Memory Tree)
node to build tree from circuits to the memory access point
memport | 1 | 1 | MPORT |  |
( Memory Tree)
inputs: memory access; outputs: memory reply
memrvouz | -1 | -1 | MRV |  |
( Memory Tree)
girish's memory tree node
mu | -1 | 2 | u |  |
( control-flow)
loop entry point; 2nd out is hyper #, used by crt. This has n
inputs, 1 of which will be valid. When it arrives, pass it onto the
output. indicate which one arrived in the second output.
mul | 2 | 1 | * |  |
( Integer arithmetic)
muluh | 2 | 1 | muluh |  |
( Integer arithmetic)
32x32->32 high bits of multiply
mux | -1 | 1 | ?: |  |
(Intra-hyperblock flow)
2n inputs. first n inputs are data, second n inputs are
predicates. Only 1 predicate should eval to true, its data input is
sent to the output.
ne | 2 | 1 | != |  |
( comparisons)
neg | 1 | 1 | - |  |
( Integer arithmetic)
network | -1 | -1 | NET |  |
( network node)
used in simulator to model the network
none | 0 | 1 | ??? | Nada |
(misc )
different from no-operation: temporary placeholder
nop | 1 | 1 | |  |
(register type)
copy input to output: 0 clock cycles
not | 1 | 1 | ! |  |
( comparisons)
or | 2 | 1 | | |  |
( bitwise and logical ops)
pop | 1 | 1 | pop |  |
( OBS: This applies to the old simulator only )
pop a frame of the stack; in=token, out=token
reg | 1 | 1 | |  |
(register type )
copy input to output: 1 clock cycle
rem | 3 | 1 | % |  |
( Integer arithmetic)
3-rd in is predicate
ret | 4 | 0 | ret |  |
(Inter-Function flow)
inputs: returned value, PC, token, crt. return value to
caller at PC when you get token and crt.
sp | 1 | 1 | sp |  |
( OBS: This applies to the old simulator only )
get current SP value; in=token, out=SP
str | 4 | 1 | [ ]= |  |
( memory ops)
inputs: address, data, predicate, token; out = token. if
predicate is true, perform store of data into address. When store
is performed, issue token.
str_nopred | 5 | 1 | N[ ]= |  |
( Hardware Ops for Memory)
inputs: address, data, token, global token path, local token path; outputs: tree access
str_pred | 5 | 2 | P[ ]= |  |
( Hardware Ops for Memory)
inputs: address, data, token, global token path, local token path; outputs: tree access, false token
sub | 2 | 1 | - |  |
( Integer arithmetic)
switch | -1 | 1 | Y |  |
(Inter-hyperblock flow)
n inputs; last one is hyper number; 1 out: val
The last input determines which one of the first n inputs is passed to
the output.
tkand | -1 | 1 | V |  |
( tokens)
token and. And all the inputs to produce a token on the
tkgen | 2 | 1 | G |  |
( tokens)
token generator: 2 in: token, predicate; 1 out token
tlod | 4 | 3 | T=[ ] |  |
( Memory Tree load store ops)
inputs: address, predicate, token, treein; outputs: data, token, treeout
tokrelease | 1 | 2 | TKR |  |
( Hardware Ops for Memory)
inputs: tree access; outputs: tree access, token
tstr | 5 | 2 | T[ ]= |  |
( Memory Tree load store ops)
inputs: address, data, predicate, token, treein; outputs: token, treeout
uninit | 0 | 1 | ??? | Nada |
(misc )
uninitialized value
xor | 2 | 1 | ^ |  |
( bitwise and logical ops)