Assignment 2 hints: Problem 4: First some notation. Let OPT[i,j] be the cost of the optimal static tree for a range of elements [i...j]. In other words, if we restrict the access sequence to just those elements in the range [i...j], and build the optimal static tree just for those elements, then OPT[i,j] is the total cost (number of comparisons) done when accessing those elements in the sequence. You should have written a recurrence for OPT[i,j] as part of your solution to exercise 3. Hints for 4(a): The first hint is that yes, the result is true. The second hint is that it helps to first prove the following claim: Claim: let i <= j <= k <= l. Then OPT[i,l]+OPT[j,k] >= OPT[i,k]+OPT[j,l], This claim seems a lot less "obvious" than the question in the hwk, but it is easier to prove and serves as a useful stepping-stone.