15-750 Graduate Algorithms (Spring 2011)
Prof. Manuel Blum


Solutions to HW5, HW4, and HW3.

Text Book

Book list, Homework Policy, Grading

Tentative Schedule

(subject to change)
01/10 M Introduction [Kozen 1] [CLRS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.4] [ Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach(optional)] Hwk 0 (Sol)
01/12 W Heaps, Binomial Heaps [Kozen 8] [CLRS 20]
01/14 F Fibonacci Heaps [Kozen 9] [CLRS 19]
01/17 M (Martin Luther King Day)NO CLASS
01/19 W More Fibonacci Heaps [Kozen 9] [CLRS 19]
01/21 F Union-Find [Kozen 10,11] [CLRS 21]Hwk 1 (Sol)
01/24 M More Union-Find [Kozen 10,11] [CLRS 21]
01/26 W Splay Trees [Kozen 12] Sleator's notes , Sleator's notes (cont.)
01/28 F ---
01/31 M More Splay Trees
02/02 W Treaps (Random Search Trees) [Kozen 13] [M&R 8.2] [Kozen 13] [M&R 8.2]
02/04 F Discussion on randomized algorithms Hwk 2 (Sol)
02/07 M Graph Planarity [Kozen 14]
02/09 W Planarity Testing Hopcroft-Tarjan Efficient Planarity testing
02/11 F General discussion
02/14 M Planar Separator Theorem 1 [Kozen 15]
02/16 W Planar Separator Theorem 2 [Kozen 15]
02/18 F Planar Separator Theorem 3 [Kozen 15]
02/21 M Planar Separator Theorem 4
02/23 W Randomizing Algorithms 1 [Kozen 40] Schwartz's paper
02/25 F CSD Open House NO CLASS Hwk 2 due
02/28 M Randomizing Algorithms 2 Schwartz's Lemma over GF(p); A problem in communication complexityHwk 3 out
03/02 W Randomizing Algorithms 3 [ Lovasz's Survey on random walks] [M&R 6]
03/04 F (Mid-Semester Break) NO CLASS
03/07 M (Spring Break) NO CLASS
03/09 W (Spring Break) NO CLASS
03/11 F (Spring Break) NO CLASS
03/14 M Review [Practice Midterm 1 (solutions)] [Practice Midterm 2 (solutions)]
03/16 W Midterm
03/18 F Harsha: Parallel Algorithms (Programming models, Work and Depth, Brent's theorem, Prefix-sum) [Blelloch: Ch. 1 (Synthesis of Parallel Algorithms)]
Bob Harper: Parallelism and Concurrency, Languages and Machines
Guy Blelloch: Programming Parallel Languages
Lecture notes for 3/28, 3/21. Scribe: Ilari
03/21 M Harsha: Parallel Algorithms (Prefix-sum, List-ranking) Synthesis of Parallel Algorithms: Chap 2, Chap 3
Lecture notes for 3/28, 3/21. Scribe: Ilari
Hwk 3 due
03/23 W Introduction to the class NP [Kozen 21, 22, 23, 24] [CLRS 36][Garey & Johnson]
03/25 F Decision and Search problems [Kozen 21, 22, 23, 24] [CLRS 36][Garey & Johnson] Hwk 4 out
03/28 M Harsha: Parallel Algorithms (More List-ranking) Lecture notes, Scribe: Sriram Somanchi
Synthesis of Parallel Algorithms: Chap 2, Chap 3
03/30 W Definition of the class NP [Kozen 21, 22, 23, 24] [CLRS 36][Garey & Johnson]
04/01 F NP-Completeness 1
04/04 M NP-Completeness 2 Hwk 5 out
Hwk 4 due
04/06 W NP-Completeness 3
04/08 F NP-Hard problems 1
04/11 M NP-Hard problems 2
04/13 W NP-Hard problems 3
04/15 F (Spring Carnival) NO CLASS
04/18 M Integer Linear Programs Hwk 5 due
04/20 W Liu Yang: Online Learning Mistake Bound Model [Nick Littlestone, Learning Quickly When Irrelevant Attributes Abound: A New Linear-Threshold Algorithm][ Survery article: Avrim Blum, On-Line Algoriothms in Machine Learning]
04/22 F Anupam Gupta: Approximation Algorithms 115-854: CMU course on approximation algorithms with lecture notes Hwk 6 out
04/25 M Levin's Algorithm (for factoring)
04/27 W Open problems: Graph isomorphim,
Circuit Value problem with MIN,MAX,AVG gates
04/29 F Anupam Gupta: Online algorithms (Ski rental problem, k-server problem) k-server problems: Notes 1 Notes 2
05/03 T Final Exam, at 6.00PM, Gates 6115 Practice final 1 , Practice final 2 , Practice Problem Set 1