Course Policies
Course Goals
The course will cover a fairly wide range of topics in algorithm
design. Some of the topics will be quite a bit older work from
the 1960s to more recent work from this century. We hope to
present as many different tools and algorithms as time permits.
Most topics will be covered in two phases. In the first we will
cover an important design technique by presenting a classic
possibly simple application. In the second, an application will be
presented that hopefully will be one that is new to most of the
class. By the end of the class students are expected to be able to
recognize which tool or method to apply to a problem and
reasonably proficient at using this tool.
We also feel that the student should be able to explain their
algorithmic design idea to their piers and supervisors both in
writing and orally. This is why we require both written and oral
presentations of homework.
Please check the preliminary schedule for an idea of the possible topics to be covered.
The schedule at this point is mostly a list of topics covered some five years ago.
The schedule will be updated with several newer topics.
This class will have only one midterm.
The course grade apportioning will be as follows:
Homework | | 25% |
Midterm | | 30% |
Final exam | | 45% |
Here is the approximate grading standard (subject to change).
Per our discussion in class, the grades will be graded on a curve.
Those students completing all the work for the class should expect a grade
ranging from A+ to B-.
- All homeworks are due at the beginning of class.
- We will not accept late submission. However, each
individual student has a single 48 hours pass. This pass can be used to extend
the deadline for one homework by 48 hours.
- You are encouraged to work in groups of 2 or (preferably)
3. The group should be as diverse as possible. (Exception: Homework
0 needs to be done individually.)
- On all assignments each person should hand-in their own writeup.
That is, collaboration should be limited to talking about the
problems, so that your writeup is written entirely by you and not copied from your partner.
In addition, list all members of your group.
- We prefer that you type up your solutions (preferably using
LaTeX). You may neatly hand-write your solutions, but if we have
trouble reading them you will be required to type up future
- A 30% bonus will be assessed to the entire homework for
each solution used in the posted solutions.
Submission in LaTeX is required for consideration.
- You can earn more than 100% on most
problem sets. A score higher than 100% is bonus.
- If you
use any reference or webpage, you must cite it.
Lateness and Absence
Make-ups for the two exams and the final must be arranged at least one week
in advance, barring extreme situations.
Make sure to document any health problems you might have.
Academic Integrity
As a graduate class, we will assume that you understand the issues and
do not need an explanation here.
Finally, feel free to contact any member of the course staff to clarify
these policies.