Required text:
- [Kz] The Design and Analysis of Algorithms
by Dexter Kozen.
Highly recommended reference books. One will most likely do:
- [CLR] Introduction to Algorithms
by Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest.
- [AHU] The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms
by Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman.
Other useful material can be found in:
- The Art of Computer Programming (three volumes) by D. E. Knuth.
- Data Structures and Network Algorithms by R. E. Tarjan.
- An Introduction to Parallel Algorithms by Joseph JaJa.
- Randomized Algorithms by R. Motwani and P. Raghavan.
- Combinatorial Algorithms by Reingold et al.
- Programming Pearls by J. Bentley.
- Algorithms by R. Sedgewick.
- Computational Geometry an introduction by F. Preparata
and M. Shamos .
These books are on reserve in the E&S library, and are available in
the bookstore.