S Í V is an f(n) seperator if:
Actually, the current bound is 1.8Ön .
Assume G is planar, embedded and triangulated.
For some s Î V do a BFS from s . The BFS tree constructed induces natural partitions in the graph. Consider A = all nodes within depth d and B = all nodes which are more than depth d away.
In general, the BFS method won't necessarily produce a linear seperator. Let t = mint|Bt| £ n/2 .
Then |Bt-1| > n/2 with Bt-1 = StÈBt so At < n/2
|S| may still be too large.
Let t0 = maxt¢ < t|L(t)| £ Ön and let t1 = mint¢ > t|L(t)| £ Ön
It must be that t1-t0 £ Ön or else you would have more than Ön points.
Now you can make cuts at t1 and t0 , which gets you part way. The rest of the proof is less rigorous. The basic idea is to construct G¢ = (V¢,E¢) from the interior portion of the graph betwen t1 and t0 . V¢ = Èt0 < t¢ < t1L(t¢)È{s} .
Let T = spanning tree of G¢. diameter(T) £ 2Ön
'interior' and 'exterior' are well defined because the graph is embedded in the plane.
Assume you have picked some e . Then either we are done, or without loss of generality, assume the interior is too big. The interior face that e is part of has several possibilities:
The interior will always shrink during this recursion so the only question is whether or not the exterior gets too large too fast. The hard case is (4). None of the edges are in the spanning tree and |interior| > 2/3n . We have a choice of between which 2 edges of the interior face to recurse on. Choose the interior edge which will leave the largest interior. Then the exterior can't become greater than 2/3 in the recursion.
Combining this theorem with the fact that diameter(T) £ 2Ön allows us to make a cut of size 2Ön s.t., the nodes are divided into 2 large sets.