day 26 4/20/98

1.  Complexity theory!

1.1  definitions

2.  np completeness

3.  reduction

The CNF problem can be transformed into a clique problem by a polynomial transformation. This means, CNFSat £ pmClique or 'CNFSat reduces to clique'.

A common goal in complexity theaory is reducing one problem to another in polynomial time. Basically, by reducing known NP-complete problem X to problem Y by a polynomial transformation. Then Y is 'at least as hard as X' which mean Y is NP-hard.

The Clique problem can als be reduced to the CNF problem, implying Clique £ mpCNF . So

Clique º mpCNF

4.  definitions

If a problem is NP-Complete then every NP problem can reduce to it.

The big question in computer science is 'does NP = P '?

factoring is in Co-NP and NP .

5.  reductions

5.1  3CNFSat« CNFSat\protect

We have CNFSat ³ pm3CNFSat automatically. So, let's show CNFSat £ pm3CNFSat

Using the resolution rule, CNFSat can be reduced to 3CNFSat by repeated application.

5.1.1  2CNF\protect

2CNF is easy to solve. x1Úx2 means [`(x1)]Þ x2 so the terms of 2CNF can be turned into a graph of implications on which it is easy to solve the 2CNF problem. In fact, it can be solved in linear time.

5.2  independent set « \protect clique

The reduction is done by solving the complement of the graph.

5.3  Vertex cover « \protect independent set

All of the nodes not in the vertex cover are in the independent set.

Vertex Cover º mp Independent Set

5.4  CNFSat º mp\protect 3 colorability

5.4.1 CNFSat £ pm\protect 3 colorability


Draw a graph where every variable is forced to be 'red' or 'green'. Then build a graph with several constraints.

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