Lecture 6 (20 October, 1997) part 2

Scribe: Hiroaki Kikuchi

Formal Methods

1. Overview

The goal is to understand some previous works toward formal models using security protocol. Since all of these protocols is going to be sufficient, we make clear what limitations are in these protocols.

The secondary goal is to give the semantics of formal models. Last time we looked at the BAN logic from syntactic point of view. We learn a particular algebraic way to determine a given protocol is secure, and a way based on state machine to analyze security protocols.

Here is a list of approaches.

2. Dolev-Yao: Algebraic Approach

Read "On the security of Public Key Protocols (IEEE Trans on Information Theory, 1983)" for details.

2.1 Overview

Approach: algebraic
Operations of principals and intruder (Z) are modeled by strings and examined in an algebraic way of the strings.
Based on public key cryptography.
Ping-pong: two parties
  • Cascade protocol
  • Name-stamp protocol
This approach determines whether a given protocol is "secure" or not. Where, "secure" means secrecy.
Efficient algorithms for checking is presented.

2.1.1 Public key Encryption Review

Ex Encryption function for user X
Dx Decryption function for user X
We assume a perfect public key encryption with a secure public-key database which contains all (X, Ex) pairs.
While, Dx is known only to X.
  1. ExDx = DxEx = 1
  2. knowing Ex(M) and the public directory does not reveal anything about the value of M.

2.1.2 Example 1

We assume that an active saboteur can impersonate another user, intercept and alter messages.
Consider the following ping-pong protocol. A -> B: (A, EB(M), B)
B -> A: (B, EA(M), A)
This can be broken by an intruder Z by intercepting the first message and cheating A as follows;
A -> Z(B): (A, EB(M), B) % Z intercepts message from A
Z -> B: (Z, EB(M), B) % Z sticks Z in for A
B -> Z: (B, EZ(M), Z) % B follows its protocol
Z: decrypts EZ(M) to get M

2.1.3 Example 2: variation of Needham-Schroeder

One way to overcome the attack is to encode the name of the sender together with the message.
a. A-> B: (A, EB(MA), B)
b. B-> A: (B, EA(MB), A)
(This will be proved to be secure.)

2.1.4 Example 3: Extra encryption is not always a good idea

a. A->B: (A, EB(EB(M)A), B)
b. B->A: (B,EA(EA(M)B), A)
It easy to break in the following way:
1. B->Z(A): (B,EA(EA(M)B),A) % Let M' = Ea(M)B
% Z extracts EA(M')
2. Z->A: (Z, EA(EA(M')Z),A) % Z starts protocol with A
3. A->Z: (A, EZ(EZ(M')Z),Z) % A responds accordingly.
% Z now has Ez(M').
4. Z->A: (Z, EA(EA(M)Z),A) % Z starts protocol with A again
5. A->Z: (A, EZ(EZ(M)Z),Z) % A responds accordingly.
% Z discovers M.

2.1.5 Summary of Dolev-Yao Results

Here is a summary of the results obtained in this approach.

1. Cascade Protocols (like Example 1) are secure iff

2. Name-stamp protocols (like Examples 2 and 3): There is polynomial-time (O(N8)) algorithm for checking whether it is secure.

2.2 Cascade Protocols

In the cascade protocols, the users employ only encryption-decryption operations.

2.2.1 Notations

Two parties, X and Y: - X does strings of Ex, Ey and Dx.
- Y does strings of Ex, Ey and Dy.
A protocol is a series of strings of what X does and of what Y does: 1. X->Y: (what X does) M
2. Y->X: (what Y does)1 (what X does)1 M
3. X->Y: (what X does)2 (what Y does)1 (what X does)1 M
Let G be a string of operators over Es and Ds: G is the reduced form of G after applying algebraic laws: ExDx = DxEx = 1 (In original paper, G is expressed by over-line.)

For example, consider the protocol:

(what X does) = EyDx
(what Y does) = ExDyExExDy
X->Y: EyDx M
Y->X: ExDyExExDyEyDx M % or simply ExDyExM
Then, the reduced forms of Ni(X,Y) (i = 1,2,...,t) are given as follows: N1(X,Y) = EYDX
N2(X,Y) = ExDyEx
Where, Ni() is a set of symbols which contains all possible encryption and decryption functions executable since i-th step. For example, N1(X,Y) is {Ex, Ey, Dx}.

2.2.2 Definition of Secure

Let S* be the set of all finite sequences composed of symbols in S.
Define S(Z) = E cup {Dz}
S2 = all string of what X does
S3 = all strings of what Y does
Where E is the set of all EA, and "cup" is an operation to mean an union of two sets.

A protocol is insecure
if there exists some sting G in (S(Z) cup S2 cup S3)* such that

G Ni(X,Y) = empty string for some Ni(X,Y). A protocol is secure otherwise.

2.2.3 Example

Consider Example 1, again. A -> B: (A, EB(M), B)
B -> A: (B, EA(M), A)
These normal operations are represented by: EXDYEYM We know it is breakable in the following attack:
A -> Z(B): (A, EB(M), B) % Z intercepts message from A
Z -> B: (Z, EB(M), B) % Z sticks Z in for A
B -> Z: (B, EZ(M), Z) % B follows its protocol
Z: decrypts EZ(M) to get M
The behavior of intruder is given by simple string Intruder: DzEzDyEyM = M This means there exist a string G in (S(Z) cup S2 cup S3)* such that DzEzDyEy = empty string.

2.3 Name-Stamp Protocols

In this model, principles are allowed to some operations such as addition or deletion in addition to encryption-decryption operations.

2.3.1 Overview

Let G be string such that G = head(G)tail(G), where tail(G) is a suffix of m bits.

A user Y can do any of these operations to a string G

a. encrypt Ex
b. decrypt Dy
c. append ix: ix G = GX
d. name-match dx: dx G = head(G) if tail(G)=x
e. delete d: dG = head(G)
In this model, we have the following algebraic laws:
ExDx = DxEx = 1
dxix = dix = 1 % but ixdx is not equal to 1

2.3.2 Definition of Secure

Define S(Z) = {EA, iA, dA, d | all A} cup {Dz}
S2 = all strings of what X does (including new operations)
S3 = all strings of what Y does (including new operations)
A protocol is insecure if there exists some string G in (S(Z) cup S2 cup S3)* such that G Ni(X,Y) = empty string for some Ni(X,Y).
A protocol is secure otherwise.

2.3.3 Examples

Example 2: a. A->B: (A, EB(MA),B)
b. B->A: (B, EA(MB),A)
It is represented by: N1(X,Y) = EYiX
N2(X,Y) = EXiY
There is no string to resolve empty string. Therefore, this protocol is secure.

Consider Example 3 again. It has the following sets of strings.

alpha(X,Y) = EYiXEY
beta(X,Y) = EXiYEXDY dXDY
beta(Z,X) = EZiXEZDXdXDX
Then, the attack is formalized in the following way:
GN2 = DzdDz EzixEz DxdzDx Exizd DzdDz EzixEz DxdzDx Exiz ExiyEx
= Dzd ixEz Dxdz izd Dzd ixEz Dxdz iz ExiyEx
= Dz Ez Dx d Dz Ez Dx ExiyEx
= Dx d iyEx
= Dx Ex
= empty string

3. Abadi-Tuttle: State Machine

Read "A Semantics for a Logic of Authentication (Proc. of ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1991)" for details.

3.1 Overview

3.2 Model of Computation

P1, .., Pn each with - local state
- a set of actions (state-transition relation that can change only Pi's local state and Pe's state.
- a local protocol, Ai, a function form Pi's local state to the next action Pi is to perform.
Special principal Pe
the environment
Global state
= (se, s1, ...,sn)
= (Ae, A1, ..., An)
= infinite sequence of global states
= k-th point in time in run r (k an integer) - r(k) = global state at time k in run r
- ri(k) = local state of Pi at time k in run r
- r(0) indicates first state of the current epoch (the first state of the current authentication). Call it the initial state.
- system = set R of runs (typically the set of executions of a given protocol)

3.3 State Variable

- For each Pi
- local history - sequence of all action Pi has ever performed - key set
- For Pe
- global history - sequence of actions any principal has ever performed - key set
- message buffers, one per Pi containing all messages sent but not yet deliver to Pi

3.4 Set of Actions per Principal

This denotes Ps' sending of the message m to Q. Add m to Q's buffer.
This denotes P's receipt of a message, nondeterministically chosen from P's message buffer.
This denotes P's coming into possession of a new key. Adds K to P's key set.
- Each action also adds itself to local and global histories.
- Tag receive(m) by m for local and by m and P for global.

3.5 Syntactic Restriction on Runs

3.6 Semantics to Logic

Fix system R, and fix an interpretation I of primitive propositions that maps each p in Phi to set of points I(p) in R at which p is true.
By the induction of the structure of T, we define truth of T at (r,k), denoted (r, k) |= T We define (r,k) |= p iff (r,k) in I(p) for primitive p in Phi,
(r,k) |= T AND T' iff (r,k) |= T and (r,k) |= T'
(r,k) |= ~T iff (r,k) not |= T
(Where "AND" and "~" are logical operators. Some symbols are represented in different way to the original)
(r,k) |= P sees X
iff for some message M, at time k in r
1. receive (M) appears in P's local history, and
2. X in seen-submsgsK(M), when K is P's key set.
(r,k) |= P said X
iff for some message M, at some time K' in r
1. P performs send(M,Q), and
2. X in said-submsgsk,m(M), where K is P's key set and M is the set of messages P has received.
(r,K) |= P controls Phi
iff (r,k') |= says Phi implies (r,k') |= Phi for all K' greater than 0
(r,k) |= fresh(x)
iff X is not in submesgs(M(r,0))
Shared keys
(r,k) |= P <-k-> Q

3.7 Possible Worlds Semantics

In any given world (at any point in time), a principal P considers a number of other world to be possible.
A world (point) is possible if the two points are indistinguishable to P, meaning that P has the same local state at both points.
This definition gives the standard possible worlds definition of knowledge.

3.8 Difference between logics of Knowledge and Belief

Knowledge logics have axiom: (P knows T) implies T Belief logics do not have the axiom: (P believes T) implies T P can believe in something (K is good) at the current point but where at a different point, indistinguishable to P (K still looks good to P), that something is not true (a malicious environment stumbled upon K so K is not really good).

According to [BAN89], knowledge and belief logics are incomparable.

- Erroneous initial beliefs are certainly not knowledge.
- Each principal knows all tautologies, but does not necessarily believe them.

3.9 Possible Worlds Semantics for Belief Logics

For BAN belief, the points a principal considers possible are those points of good runs that the principal considers indistinguishable form the current point after hiding the encrypted messages.

A good run is one in which initial beliefs are initially true.

4. Other Models

4.1 Meadows (NRL Protocol Analyzer)

It is based on Dolev-Yao term rewriting.
Protocol is specified as rules generating words in a term algebra. Model of computation is more similar to Abadi-Tuttle. It defines change-set instead of newkey.
The key sets can grow and shrink. Hence, it is non-monotonic logic.
It can explicitly model multiple simultaneous runs.

4.2 Heintze-Tygar

See N. Heintze and J. Tygar. "A model for secure protocols and their compositions. (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 1996)"

Model of computation is more general than Abadi-Tuttle

- nondeterministic communicating state machines, trace semantics
- partial order of events (no global clock; events are asynchronous).
- beliefs and nonces can expire

4.3 Woo-Lam

See T. Woo and S. Lam. "A semantic model for authentication protocols. (IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 1993)

Syntax of protocols in terms of terms (as in Dolev-Yao)
Semantics in terms of state machines

- global and local states, state transitions, executions
Addresses not just secrecy, but correspondence
- the execution of the different principals proceeds in a look-step fashion
When an authenticating principal finishes its part of the protocol, the authenticated principal must have been present and participated in its part of the protocol. - want to assure that the authenticating principal is indeed "talking" to the principal it has in mind.