Date | Lecture | Topic | Homework,Project |
9/13 | 1 | Cryptography: introduction, symmetric-key cryptography | HW 1 out |
9/21 | 2 | Public-key cryptography, digital signatures, applications of PKC | |
9/28 | 3 | Authentication: introduction, protocols, design principles | HW 1 due, HW 2 out |
10/5 | 4 | Logics and models for reasoning about authentication | |
10/9 | 5 (F) | Fundamental limitations of cryptography (guest lecturer: Prof. Rudich) | |
10/12 | 6 | No Class (mid-semester break), hand in homework to my office | HW 2 due, HW 3 out |
10/19 | 7 | Tools for reasoning about authentication | |
10/26 | 7 | Electronic commerce: introduction, protocols | |
11/2 | 8 | Electronic voting, electronic auctions | HW 3 due, HW 4 out,and Project proposal due |
11/9 | 9 | Digital watermarking | Project final approval |
11/16 | 10 | Security in the real world Guest lecturers: Adrian Perrig, Tom Longstaff (SEI) |
HW 4 due |
11/23 | 11 | Business, societal, and management aspects of e-commerce Guest lecturers: Prof. Marvin Sirbu (EPP) and Prof. Ramayyan Krishnan (Heinz) |
11/24 | 12 | Project presentations: Security in Distributed Computing (William Benard, Chris Lumb & John Strunk) |
11/30 | 13 | Project presentations: Executable Cash (Oleg Cheiner & Ted Wong) Electronic Proxy Voting (Imju Byon, Kayron Pirestani & Yen-Ming Chen Stock Market Game (Tony DeWitt & Tom Kang) Steganography Smartcard (Sam Weiler, Ciprian Agapi, Dionisio de Niz & Jason McIlvain) |
Project orals and demos |
12/2 | W | Project written reports due |