You may use either VHDL or Verilog to do Lab 1. If you feel very confident with one of these languages, try using the opposite one for Lab 1. If you don't know either, it's probably best to start with Verilog. However, later labs may require VHDL because the peripherals on the evaluation boards we have use VHDL models.
Prof. Thomas' Verilog book is available in the bookstore with the 18-240 books. It is bright red. It comes with an evaluation version of the Veriwell simulator on CD-ROM. There is another good reference by Samir Palnitkar that is available in the 18-347 section.
If anyone knows any good VHDL references (especially if it's available on the Web) please speak up.
Altera FLEX: We'll take a quick look at how Altera handles these issues.
Taxonomy Issues: With all of the above in mind, we'll try to develop a system to classify FPGAs based on their architecture.