Date | Description | Lecturer | Scribe |
| Readings |
1/21 |
Introduction |
Seth |
1/23 |
Nanoelectronic Architecture |
Seth |
P. Stanley-Marbell |
| NanoFabrics: Spatial Computing Using Molecular Electronics |
| Architectures for Molecular Electronic Computers |
1/28 |
Basic Chemistry |
David |
Ben Janesko |
1/30 |
Donor Acceptor Model |
David |
Dan Vogel |
1973 Paper by Mark Ratner |
2/11 |
Basic Electrical Engineering |
David Greve |
Jae-Ho Kim |
2/13 |
Nanoscale Devices |
David Greve |
Jaiyong Le |
Makes a Good Computer Device?, R.W. Keyes, Science(Also, local low-res pdf)
Architectures for molecular electronic computers (MITRE, July 1999)
DRAFT MOSFET chapter from Textbook, David Greve |
2/18 |
chemical self-assembly |
Bruce Armitage |
2/20 |
Conduction & Self-Assembly |
Bruce Armitage |
Perspectives: It's All About Contacts
Reproducible Measurement of Single-Molecule Conductivity
Conversion of light energy to proton potential in liposomes by
artifical photsynthetic reaction centres
2/25 |
Scanning Probe Methods |
Randy Feenstra |
Mahim Mishra |
| Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and
Atomic Force Microscopy: Application to Biology and Technology |
2/27 |
Defect Tolerance |
Seth |
| Scalable Defect Tolerance |
| Fault Tolerant NanoBoxes |
3/4 |
Nanoelectronic devices |
David |
Danny Lam |
Toward Nanocomputers, Greg Y. Tseng and James C. Ellenbogen
Logic Gates and Computation from Assembled Nanowire Building Blocks,
Y. Huang, X. Duan, Y. Cui, L. Lauhon, K. Kim, and C. Lieber
Logic Circuits with Carbon Nanotube Transistors, A. Bachtold, P. Hadley, T. Nakanishi, and C. Dekker |
3/6 |
More devivces |
Field-Effect Modulation of the Conductance of Single Molecules,
J. Schon, H. Meng, and Z. Bao
3/11 |
Fault Tolerant and networks |
Bruce Maggs |
Mahim Mishra |
Reconfiguring arrays with faults part I: worst-case faults,
R. J. Cole, B. M. Maggs, and R. K. Sitaraman, SIAM Journal on
Computing, Vol. 26, No. 6, December, 1997, pp. 1581-1611 |
3/13 |
More Fault Tolerant Networks |
Bruce Maggs |
Suraj Sudhir |
3/18 |
Electron Transfer |
David Yaron |
3/20 |
Student Presentation: Architectures |
M Mishra |
Array-Based Architecture for Molecular Electronics, Andre Dehon
3/25 |
Stanley, Vogel |
Memory in Motion: A Study of Storage Structures in QCA, Frost
etal |
A Potentially Implementable FPGA for Quantum Dot Cellular Automata,
Niemier etal |
3/27 |
Gupta |
A Device Architecture for Computing
with Quantum Dots,
Lent and Tougaw |
4/1 |
Spring Break |
4/3 |
Spring Break |
4/8 |
student presentations |
Kim, Jai |
Growth of nanowire superlattice structures for nanoscale photonics and
electronics, Gudiken etal (Nature 2/7/02)
Design of Arithmetic Circuits Using Resonant Tunneling Diodes and
Threshold Logic, Pacha and Goser
4/10 |
Electro-Chemistry |
Colin Horwitz |
Room-temperature negative differential resistanace in nanoscale molecular junctions |
4/15 |
student presentations |
Danny |
Molecular random access memory cell
4/17 |
student presentations |
Lu, Sudhir |
Unconventional methods for fabricating and patterning
nanostructures |
Towards Nanocomputer Architecture, Beckett and
4/22 |
student presentations |
Mishra, Janesko |
Printing meets lithography: Soft approaches to high-resolution
patterning, Michel etal
Programmable and autonomous computing machines made of biomolecules,
Benenson etal (Nature 11/22/01)
4/24 |
student presentations |
4/29 |
student presentations |
Mishra |
Aspects of Systems and Circuits for Nanoelectronics, Goser et
5/1 |
5/9 |
Poster Session, 2pm, Wean Hall 4623 |