15-852A 21-860 Scientific Computation, Fall 1997

Course Information

Lectures: MW 12-1:20PM , 206 Student Center



Gary Miller (Doherty 4307, glmiller@cs.cmu.edu, 268-2631. Office Hours: TBA)

Noel Walkington (Wean 6208, noelw@cmu.edu, 268-6291. Office Hours: Any Time)

Course Secretary: Cleah Schlueter (Doherty 4301J, cleah@cs.cmu.edu, x8-3779)

Credits: 12 Units, 1 CU

Evaluation and Responsibilities: Grading will be based on a collection of homework assignments (50%), a final exam (30%), and class project (20%). The class project will consist of either an implementation or review of a topic. Time permitting, the student will present to the class their project.

Text: There is no assigned text. Relevant chapters and note will be made available. Rough lecture notes will be made available on the web page http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~glmiller/sci-comp/home.html.

Course description: This course will apply techniques from Computer Science and Numerical Analysis to problems in large scale Scientific Computation. The goal of this course is to give a broad introduction to algorithmic and combinatorial issues that arise in scientific computation. Our main emphasis will be the design and analysis of efficient parallel and sequential algorithms with good numerical properties. The problems are motivated by problem from the Sciences as well as the Engineering.

Specific topics to be covered include: