Syllabus for 15-883 Fall '09:
Computational Models of Neural Systems

Preliminary version; August 26, 2009
David S. Touretzky

Course web site:
Readings archive

1. Introduction to Computational Neuroscience

1.1 Brains and Computation [Mon. August 24] Intro, Lecture Slides

1.2 Neurophysiology for Computer Scientists [Wed. August 26] Slides

2. Cerebellum

2.1 Anatomy of the Cerebellum [Mon. August 31] slides

2.2 Table Lookup/Basis Function Models [Wed. September 2] slides

No Class on Labor Day [Mon. September 7]

2.3 Cerebellar Forward and Inverse Models in Motor Control [Wed. September 9] slides

2.4 Cerebellar Timing and Classical Conditioning [Mon. September 14] slides

2.5 Dynamics of Parallel Fibers and Purkinje Cells [Wed. September 16] slides

3. The Hippocampus

3.1 Vectors, Matrices, and Associative Memory [Mon. September 21] Slides

3.2 Anatomy of the Hippocampal System [Wed. September 23] Slides

3.3 Marr's Associative Memory Model, Part I [Mon. September 28] slides

3.4 Marr's Associative Memory Model, Part II [Wed. September 30] slides

3.5 Pattern Completion/Separation [Mon. October 5] slides

3.6 Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map [Wed. October 7] slides

3.7 Entorhinal Grid Cells and Path Integration [Mon. October 12] slides

Midterm Exam [Wed. October 14]

Society for Neuroscience Meeting, October 17-21 (no class)

3.8 Theta, Gamma, and Working Memory [Mon. October 26] slides

4. Neural Basis of Learning and Memory

4.1 Synaptic Learning Rules [Wed. October 28] slides

4.2 Synaptic Plasticity and the NMDA receptor [Mon. November 2] slides

5. Conditioning and Reinforcement Learning

5.1 The Rescorla-Wagner Model and Its Descendants [Wed. November 4] slides

5.2 Predictive Hebbian Learning [Monday Nov. 9] slides

6. Basal Ganglia

6.1 Anatomy of the basal ganglia [Wednesday, November 11] slides

6.2 Reinforcement learning models of the basal ganglia [Monday, November 16] slides

Start Work on Modeling Project

7. Cortical Representations

7.1 Coordinate Transformations In Parietal Cortex [Wed. November 18] slides

7.2 Probablistic Population Codes in Cortex [Mon. November 23] slides

No class on Wednesday, November 25 (day before Thanksgiving)

8. Visual System

8.1 Low-Level Vision: Retina, LGN, and V1 [Mon, November 30] slides and more

8.2 Models of Object Recognition in Temporal Cortex [Wed. December 2] slides

Final Exam: Friday, Dec. 11, 1:00-4:00 PM, Porter Hall room A18C.

Final Projects are due Dec. 14, by 5:00 PM.

Dave Touretzky