15-883 Homework 1
Computational Models of Neural Systems
Download and install the Hodgkin-Huxley simulator from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/HHsim.
Note: if you have Matlab available, it's best to download the HHsim
source code and run that. If you don't have Matlab on your machine,
you can download an HHsim executable file, but it might not be the
latest version.
Do the following exercises from the list of sample
exercises on the web page. Show your calculations, don't just
write down numbers.
- Part I, questions 1 and 2.
- Part II, questions 1 and 2.
- Part III, questions 1-3.
Your answers are due Wednesday, September 4.
Dave Touretzky
Last modified: Sun Sep 8 22:52:55 EDT 2013