15-883 Homework #5
Computational Models of Neural Systems
This homework is based on the Baxter & Byrne reading from section 4.1.
How to Run the Synaptic Learning Rules Demo
You should cd to the directory matlab/ltp, or
download the file ltp.zip and
unzip it. When you're ready to begin, type "matlab" to start up
Matlab. Then type "run" to start the demo.
- Create a pure Hebbian learning rule. Describe the performance on
in-phase, antiphase, and random stimulus patterns. (Note: the inputs
vary between 0 and 1, not -1 and 1. Also, the time scale for the
random pattern is different than for the sine wave patterns.)
- Add an exponential weight decay term to your learning rule; set
the delta parameter to 0.01. Describe the performance on the above
three patterns.
- For random inputs (uniformly distributed between 0 and 1), the
learning rule you constructed is moving the weight towards an
asymptotic value. At asymptote, dw/dt = 0. Use this fact, the
learning rule, and the alpha and delta parameter values of your
simulation, to solve for the asymptotic value of the weight. Show
your work.
- Verify the asymptote by changing wAB(0) from 0.5 to
4.0. Notice that the weight trends downward over time. Now set the
initial weight to the value you calculated for the asymptote. What do
you see?
- Reset all parameters by clicking on the green Reset button.
Set delta to 0.01 again. Once
more, compare the response of Hebbian learning with exponential
weight decay in the in-phase vs. anti-phase cases. Can we approximate
this behavior using only the non-associative terms? Set the gamma
parameter to 0.0125. Turn off the the Hebbian learning and weight
decay terms (first and fourth buttons). Using only the second and
third buttons, find a nonassociative learning rule that behaves
similarly to the Hebbian-with-decay rule in both the in-phase and
anti-phase cases. It need only be qualitatively similar, not an exact
numerical match. Write down your learning rule.
- How does your non-associative learning rule compare to the
Hebbian-with-decay rule (using a value of 0.01 for delta) on random
Last modified: Sun Nov 29 18:42:52 EST 2015