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Course Schedule
(The outline is subject to change as the term progresses.)
Class Time: 10:30 - 11:50 TR. Lectures NSH 1507
[MK] Jeff Magee and Jeff Kramer, Concurrency: State Models and Java Programs, Wiley, 1999.
Optional (on reserve in Engineering and Science Library)
[CGP] Edmund M. Clarke, Jr., Orna Grumberg, and Doron A. Peled, Model Checking, The MIT Press, 1999.
[Jain] Raj Jain,
The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis, John Wiley and Sons,
1 homework = 10%
7 labs = 70% (5 take home, 2 in-class)
1 project = 20%The one homework assignment should be done individually.
The lab assignments should be done in teams of three. You are responsible for finding team members. You do not have to stick to the same team for all assignments.
The grading for each lab assignment and the term project will be based on: the quality of the finished work, the team’s oral presentation, the team’s written documentation (formal specification and English explanation), class participation in the discussion and critiques, and instructor’s discretion. Since I will be using multiple criteria for grading teamwork, it is possible for members of the same team to get different grades on the same lab assignment.
There will be no in-class exam.
Please do the reading for a given lecture before and after the lecture. I will be assigning additional readings from the textbook and distributing papers to read throughout the term. Reading assignments for 17-651 Models of Software Systems should be done in parallel with this course.
Course Schedule
Laboratory Assignments
SMV Manual