46-927 Assignment #2

Due: November 6, 1997, 5:00 PM


Your assignment will be compiled and executed and each of the three methods (find_winner_exhaustive, find_winner_hashing, and find_winner_heuristic) will be used to play games against the TA's solution. If your find_winner_exhaustive function plays optimally (guarantees a win when a win is possible, guarantees a tie when a tie is possible) you will earn 50 points.

If your find_winner_hashing function plays optimally and correctly uses the hash table to operate efficiently you will earn another 35 points. Finally, if your find_winner_heuristic function restricts the search on the game tree to a depth of three ply and plays intelligently you will earn the remaining 15 points. A heuristic function that restricts the search on the game tree but does not chose moves wisely will only earn 5 points.

Your grade will be determined by summing the points you earned on each method.

Jeff Stephenson

Revised on Monday, October 27, 1997