46-927 Assignment #2

Due: November 6, 1997, 5:00 PM

Starting Materials:

For this assignment, you will need to download several files and put them in the same directory on your machine. This should be your working directory for the assignment.

The Assign2.java file and the supporting files are available via FTP at /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/course/46/927/handout/Assign2/. The Assign2.java file is the only file that you should modify. It contains templates for the find_winner functions. Assign2.java imports several classes from its directory.

These classes include:

In your find_winner methods, you will only need to call the public methods in the Board, Verdict, and Hash_table classes (documented in the .java files).

If you need a copy of the JDK, a copy can be downloaded from www.javasoft.com.

Jeff Stephenson

Revised on Monday, October 27, 1997