Final Grade Distribution and Explanation

The Final Exam

Grading was modified in response to a number of problems with the exam. In particular, the NP-completeness problem was thrown out and points were redistributed in the following way:

sum-of-squares : 8 points
database : 6
architecture : 6
Soar : 8
binary tree : 6
expert system : 6
knowledge/search: 6
inheritance : 8
N3 algorithm : 6
inorder : 6
alpha/beta : 6
tricolor : 6
$tree : 6
graph vocabulary: 5
representation : 8 97 points total. For questions that had more than one correct answer, points were divided evenly over the possibilities and you got credit for choosing a true or not choosing a false option. All in all, this rescoring method was *very* generous viz partial credit.

Viz the Soar question: I announced in class during the exam that this question was to be treated as a "mark all true" question. Indeed at least one student in each location wrote this quote next to the question so I know you all should have heard it. To the 3 individuals who did not hear these words, I have already checked your exams and changes to the grading for that question would not affect your final exam grades.

On the final itself, grades fell into the following distribution: 4 F's, 8 D's, 6 C's, 8 B's and 5 A's. An F was < 45/97 points, a D was 47-50 points, a C was 51-59 points, a B was 60-69 points and an A was > 70 points. The highest grade on the final was a 73, the lowest a 32.

To see your final, you should go to 4301J in Pittsburgh (Cleah Schleuter's office) or to Yuvelin in NY. You MAY NOT remove your final from the office and I will not be posting answers to the web.

Final Grades

As originally promised, for those who passed the final exam, final grades were computed based on 25% of the exam grade (.25 * (points/97)) and 75% of the homework average after dropping the lowest homework grade. Again, this resulted in a *very* generous combination, given the overall performance in groups.

Final grades for the course fell into the following distribution: 4 F's (based on the final exam), 7 C's, 14 B's, and 6 A's. An A was 89.5 or greater, a B was 80-89.49, a C was 70-79.9.