Rayshade Imagery

Here are some images to give you a feel for what Rayshade can do. Follow the titles to see the full images (in compressed JPEG format), or use the .ray files to see the source code used to generate these images. Full 24bit color images and complete animations are also available in Utah Raster Toolkit [URT] format, but be forewarned: URT files may be over 10 times larger than the JPEGs, and your display tool may not understand them anyway.

This page is text-only; a visually appealing page with icons is also available.

For more information on Rayshade please see the Rayshade Home Page. For details on a URT animation display tool see the Utah Raster Toolkit README file and FTP site.
mwm@cmu.edu (last updated Mon May 2 01:39 EDT 1994)