Using Refinement to Understand Architectural Connection,

Authors: David Garlan

Appeared in Proc. Refinement Workshop", Springer-Verlag LNCS, January 1994.

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The predominant use of refinement is to relate specifications of a system at two levels of abstraction. In this paper we describe a different application of refinement. We consider the problem of specifying reusable architectural connectors and the associated need to have formal rules for instantiating them for a specific system. We show that it is possible to use notations like CSP for these specifications and then to adapt the notion of process refinement to provide the rules for instantiation. We further show that these rules are sound with respect to deadlock freedom.

Brought to you by the Composable Software Systems Research Group in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.

[Last modified 11-Feb-1999.
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