CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Echo: Model of agent interactions
Echo is a model of complex adaptive systems proposed by John Holland,
in which virtually all of the physical details of real systems have
been abstracted away. Instead, it concentrates on a small set of
primitive agent-agent and agent-environment interactions. The goal of
Echo is to study how simple interactions among simple agents lead to
emergent high-level complex phenomena such as the flow of resources in
a system or cooperation and competition in networks of agents (e.g.,
communities, trading networks, or arms races).
See the readme.txt file and the file for an extended description.
as the file Echo-1.0.tar.gz
Version: 1.0 (23-MAR-94)
Requires: C
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Terry Jones
Agent Interactions, Artificial Life, Authors!Jones,
Complex Adaptive Systems, ECHO
Jones, Terry and Forrest, Stephanie (1993)
An Introduction to SFI Echo"
Santa Fe Institute TR 93-12-074
November 16, 1993.
[Included as the file]
Holland, John H. (1992a).
The Echo Model,
in ``Proposal for a Research Program in Adaptive Computation''.
Santa Fe Institute, July 1992.
Holland, John H. (1992b).
Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems, 2nd Ed.,
MIT Press, 1992.
Holland, John H. (1993).
ECHOING EMERGENCE : Objectives, Rough Definitions, and
Speculations for Echo-class Models,
To appear in ``Integrative Themes'', George Cowan, David Pines and
David Melzner Eds. Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of
Complexity, Proc. Vol XIX. Reading, MA: Addison--Wesley 1993.
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:19:56 1995