From Thu Dec 23 12:18:04 EST 1993 Article: 11678 of comp.lang.lisp Xref: comp.lang.lisp:11678 Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Path:!!!!!!!uunet!psinntp!!!sunblossom!cambridge!cengelog From: (Yilmaz Cengeloglu) Subject: FREE Blackboard, Dynamic Knowledge Exchange, Agents tool for CLIPS 5.1 Message-ID: Sender: Organization: Martin Marietta, Daytona Beach, Florida Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1993 14:37:40 GMT Lines: 86 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREE Blackboard, Dynamic Knowledge Exchange, Agents tool for CLIPS 5.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DYNACLIPS (DYNAamic CLIPS Utilities) Version 1.0 is RELEASED. ***PLEASE LET ME KNOW, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED WITH ***FREE COPY OF THIS UTILITIES. I have already mailed copy of these utilities people who already requested. If I have forget anyone, please let me know. I have not get any response from people who received it therefore I do not know what they think about DYNACLIPS. This is the first version and I did not have environment to test it. Belive me, It was working very well. In order to make more generic, I had to remove several function of real DYNACLIPS that I have used for my thesis. This process might bring some problems. Source code is NOT avaiable. Please do not ask. I am only releasing libraries that you can link with CLIPS. You can use it as a BLACKBOARD ARCHITECTURE TOOL, it is a basic BBA contains Control, Blackboard, and Knowledge sources. I am NOT distributing CLIPS with this tool, therefore you need to get CLIPS yourself. Most important feature of this tool is that; rules and commands can be exchanged dynamicly. For instance, one agent in the framework can create a rule and send it to other agents. Other agents receives this rule and adds to its own knowledge automaticly. It is too easy to use, it is just a CLIPS with some additional funtions that is used for sending facts, rule commands among agents. It would be very useful for people doing research and need BBA tool which is in C/CLIPS. Dynamic Knowledge Exchange has several potential applications and this tool would be good for preparing prototypes. History : --------- This tool is a part of my thesis. I have used Blackboard Architecture as a base and design a Framework. In this Framework, each Intelligent agent is an CLIPS shell and runs as a different process on SunOS operating System. Agents uses blackboard to communicate with other Intelligent agents in the framework. Each intelligent Agent can send/receive facts, rules, commands. Rules and Facts are inserted/deleted dynamicly while agents are running. Knowledge can be transfered as a temporary any permanent basis. I have integrated this Framework with Air Traffic Control Simulator which I have written in C. One intelligent Agents runs for each plane in the ATC Simulator. Inteligent agents try to solve conflict using dynamic knowledge exchange. I have used ATC simulator to verify that if knowledge exchange among agents is working well. Therefore that does not means that knowledge exchange is a good solution for solving conflict in the airspace. This framework is a prototype. ATC simulator is belong to institute that I was working while I was doing my thesis, plase do not ask a copy. Yilmaz cengeloglu P.O. Box 10412 Daytona Beach, FL 32120-0412 ****(Please use this address)**** DISCLAIMER : : ************************************************************ : I do not talk for Martin Marietta Corporation and This tool : is not related any job I do in the Martin Marietta. : ************************************************************