Thanks for expressing interest in our customized CLIPS-to-Sybase interface. A tar file named clips2sybase.tar contains the source code, a makefile, and some documentation describing how to use the software. The documentation is in the file descrip.txt. To unpack the code, do the following: 1. Create a new directory, and go there. 2. Copy the file clips2sybase.tar into that directory. 3. Do tar -xf clips2sybase.tar This will create a subdirectory named "clips2sybase" in your new directory. There should be 5 files in it. The easiest way to build the code and see what you've got is: 1. Copy all your CLIPS V5.1 sources (CLIPS itself; NOT our code) to an empty directory, and go to that directory. 2. Copy our files (descrip.txt, dbfun.c, main.c, co_clips_makefile, to that directory. 3. Rename co_clips_makefile to makefile. 4. Check that the environment variable PROJECTDIR is not set (so SCCS won't get in your way). Also check that there is no alias for "clips". 4. Type "make clips" at the UNIX command line. I *hope* our makefile works for you. 5. Edit the shell script It's short, and there are instructions right in the file. Your changes will be very minor. 6. Invoke the shell script It will create a file named "outfile," which will contain your deftemplates. 7. Start up your new version of CLIPS. At the CLIPS> prompt, type: (load outfile) which will allow you to execute the new CLIPS function dbquery (it creates CLIPS facts from the result of a "select" on a table). 8. Try the new Sybase functions (dbopen, dbcmd, adadd, dbquery, dbclose) right from the CLIPS> prompt. No need to write a program first. Use the file descrip.txt as an example. 9. Have fun. Send Email for help if you need to. Regards, Sherry Steib ( Medical Informatics Laboratory Washington Univ. School of Medicine St. Louis, MO