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EM: Evolution Machine

This directory contains the Evolution Machine (EM). EM presents a collection of evolutionary algorithms (Genetic Algorithms and Evolution Strategies) in a common framework. EM is universally applicable to continuous real-coded optimization problems. In the EM, the authors have coded fundamental evolutionary algorithms, and added some of their approaches to evolutionary search. The EM includes extensive menu techniques with: * Default parameter setting for inexperienced users. * Well-defined entries for EM- control by freaks of the EM, who want to leave the standard process control. * Data processing for repeated runs (with or without change of the strategy parameters). * Graphical presentation of results: online presentation of the evolution progress, one-, two- and three-dimensional graphic output to analyze the fitness function and the evolution process. * Integration of calling MS--DOS utilities (Turbo C). EM runs on PC's with MS-DOS.
   as the files
      em_tc.exe (EM for Turbo C)
      em_tcp.exe (EM for Turbo C++)
      em_man.exe (the manual)
   and some papers in

Version: 2.2 (23-AUG-93) Requires: C, C++ Ports: Runs on IBM PCs (MS-DOS). Copying: Use, copying, and distribution permitted. CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Author(s): Hans-Michael Voigt, Joachim Born, Jens Treptow Institute for Informatics and Computing Techniques of Berlin. Contact: Joachim Born Hans-Michael Voigt Technical University Berlin Bionics and Evolution Techniques Laboratory Bio- and Neuroinformatics Research Group Ackerstr. 71-76 (ACK1) D-13355 Berlin GERMANY Tel: +49-30-314-72-677. Fax: +49-30-541-9872 Keywords: Authors!Born, Authors!Treptow, Authors!Voigt, C!Code, C++!Code, EM, Evolution Strategies, Evolutionary Algorithms, Genetic Algorithms References: The users manual is included. [1] H.-M. Voigt and J. Born and I. Santibanez-Koref, Hierarchically Structured Distributed Genetic Algorithms. In R. Maenner and B. Manderick (Eds.), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 2, 155 - 164, North-Holland, Amsterdam, London, New York, 1992. [2] J. Born and H.-M. Voigt and I. Santibanez-Koref, Alternative Evolution Strategies to Global Optimization. In R. Maenner and B. Manderick (Eds.), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 2 , 187 - 196, North-Holland, Amsterdam, London, New York, 1992. [3] H.-M. Voigt and J. Born and I. Santibanez-Koref, A Multivalued Evolutionary Algorithm. Technical Report TR-93-022, International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Berkeley, April 1993. [4] H.-M. Voigt and J. Born and I. Santibanez-Koref, Evolutionary Structuring of Artificial Neural Networks. Technical Report TR-93-002, Technical University Berlin, Bionics and Evolution Techniques Laboratory, 1993.
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:22:46 1995