CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Genetic-2N: Optimization package for the nonlinear
transportation problem
This directory contains the Genetic-2N genetic algorithm numerical
optimization package by Zbigniew Michalewicz, as described in his
book. Genetic-2N is an optimization package for the nonlinear
transportation problem (minimization of the transportation cost).
Origin: []
as the file genetic2n.tar.Z
Version: GENETIC2N 4.3 (26-JAN-89, 16-AUG-92)
Requires: UNIX or DOS
Copying: Copyright Zbigniew Michalewicz
Use and copying permitted for scientific, noncommercial
purposes only.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Zbigniew Michalewicz, Swarnalatha Swaminathan, Thomas Logan
Contact: Zbigniew Michalewicz
Dept. of Computer Science
University of North Carolina
Chappel-Hill, NC, USA
Tel: 704-547-4873
Fax: 704-547-2352
Authors!Michalewicz, Genetic Algorithms, Genetic-2N,
Nonlinear Constraints, Numerical Optimization
ALL --
Zbigniew Michalewicz, "Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures =
Evolution Programs", Springer Verlag, August 1992
Zbigniew Michalewicz, "A Non-Standard Genetic Algorithm for the
Nonlinear Transportation Problem", ORSA Journal on Computing,
3(4):307-316, 1991.
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:23:10 1995