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SAC94 Suite: Collection of Multiple Knapsack Problems

This directory contains a collection of 0/1 Multiple Knapsack Problems, that are well known from the literature, and heuristically solved in the following publications. Tabu Search: F. Dammeyer and S. Voss, "Dynamic tabu list management using the reverse elimination method." Annals of Operations Research, 1991. Simulated Annealing: A. Drexel, "A Simulated Annealing Approach to the Multiconstraint Zero-One Knapsack Problem." Computing, 40:1-8, 1988. Genetic Algorithms: S. Khuri, T. Baeck, J. Heitkoetter, "The Zero/One Multiple Knapsack Problem and Genetic Algorithms", to appear in the 1994 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC'94, Phoenix, Arizona, 1994.
Version: 13-JUL-93 CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Keywords: Benchmark Data Sets, Genetic Algorithms!Benchmarks, Knapsack Problems, Multiple Knapsack Problems, SAC94 References: C.C. Petersen (1967) "Computational experience with variants of the balas algorithm applied to the selection of R&D projects." Management Science, 13:736-750. [PET*.DAT] S. Senyu and Y. Toyada (1967) "An approach to linear programming with 0-1 variables." Management Science, 15:B196-B207. [SENTO*.DAT] H.M. Weingartner and D.N. Ness (1967) "Methods for the solution of the multi-dimensional 0/1 knapsack problem." Operations Research, 15:83-103. [WEING*.DAT] W. Shi (1979) "A branch and bound method for the multiconstraint zero one knapsack problem." J. Opl. Res. Soc., 30:369-378. [WEISH*.DAT] A. Freville and G. Plateau (1990) "Hard 0-1 multiknapsack testproblems for size reduction methods." Investigation Operativa, 1:251-270. [PB*.DAT, HP*.DAT]
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:23:19 1995