CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Parmenides: Frame-based knowledge representation system.
PARMENIDES (PropagAting, Rulekit-Motivated ENgine for Instance
DEScriptions) is a frame-based knowledge representation system. It is
influenced by SRL, Framekit, CommonLoops, and the Spice lisp structure
implementation. The slot and facet access functions have comparable
speed to the Slisp slot access functions. It has some of the Framekit
and SRL functionality, such as facets, demons, and user-defined
relations. However, like Loops, it makes a distinction between
classes and instances. This means that instances can only be an
instance of one class, while classes may be subclasses of (have an
is-a relation with) more than one class. Instances may not have any
slots that their classes don't have. Classes describe a way to make
instances, and instances only participate in the frame network through
their classes. Parmenides is implemented in Common Lisp. Other
features of Parmenides include multiple language messages and
user-defined relations.
Parmenides is used by FRulekit, a CommonLisp frame-based RETE
production system.
See Also:
Version: 1.5 (22-APR-91)
Requires: Common Lisp
Copying: Parmenides and Frulekit are available at no charge for people
and institutions who wish to use it on a non-profit basis. If
you plan to use it in a commercial application, arrangements
should be made with the author.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Peter Shell
Contact: Barbara Moore
Center for Machine Translation
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213.3891
Tel: 412-268-6591
Authors!Shell, Frame Systems, IS-A Hierarchy, Inheritance,
Knowledge Representation, Lisp!Code, Parmenides
Peter Shell and Jaime Carbonell, "Parmenides: A Class-Based Frame
System", CMU Center for Machine Translation, 1993.
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:23:58 1995