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HUM: Concordance and textual analysis package

This is the HUM concordance and textual analysis package done by Bill Tuthill when he was at Berkeley (1981). HUM is a package of programs for literary and linguistic computing, emphasizing the preparation of concordances and supporting documents. Both keyword in context and keyword and line generators are provided, as well as exclusion routines, a reverse concordance module, formatting programs, a dictionary maker, and lemmatization facilities. There are also word, character, and digraph frequency counting programs, word length tabulation routines, a cross reference generator, and other related utilities.

Version: 14-DEC-92 Requires: C CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Author(s): Bill Tuthill Keywords: Authors!Tuthill, C!Code, Concordances, HUM, Indexing Software, NLP References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:26:25 1995